Dear Neighbor,
Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including news and resources from your state government.
But first, I have recently learned that communications coming into my office’s general email address and phone number have been misdirected over the past several months. Consequently, an unknown number of your messages have not reached me.
If you have been waiting for a response that hasn’t come, I apologize. Please know that this failure is completely unacceptable to me, and I am currently working to get to the root of this problem and to rectify it quickly.
In the meantime, do not hesitate to resend your email or call again. Please point out that yours is a “repeat” communication, so your message can be appropriately prioritized. Again, I am sorry. I appreciate your patience.
Court Rules Nine Withheld Bills Must Be Presented to the Governor
A Michigan Court of Claims judge ruled last week that the 9 bills passed during the previous legislative session that were withheld from the governor need to be presented to her, as required by the Michigan Constitution. The judge also determined in her ruling that she cannot determine who in the House is required to present the bills, as that is under the jurisdiction of the House. The nine bills, if signed, would benefit Michigan’s working families. They include bills to lower healthcare costs for public employees, add corrections officers to the Michigan State Police’s pension system and protect certain assets — including the Earned Income Tax Credit — from garnishment. I sponsored the garnishment legislation (House Bill 4900 of 2023).
Jury Reform Package Introduced
A package of bills (HBs 4091–94) to reform Michigan’s jury system was re-introduced last month. Taken together, these bills will foster a more accurate and diverse representation of juries, expand the number of eligible jurors, and create a more localized list for potential jurors. I sponsored House Bill 4093. This package is based on recommendations made by Michigan’s Jury Task Force.
The specific reforms include:
- The creation of a statewide jury management system run by the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO);
- The development by SCAO of updated questionnaire language, including request for information on race and ethnicity to help identify biases that may continue;
- Switching over from a 2-step to a 1-step jury system to create more efficiency and cost savings;
- Allowing individuals who were formerly incarcerated to serve on a jury;
- Increasing juror compensation.
Governor Highlights Lower Costs, Access to Housing and Education during State of the State
Last week, Gov. Gretcehn Whitmer delivered her seventh State of the State address. The speech focused on lowering costs and expanding access to opportunity for Michiganders. This includes investments in housing, increased access to affordable child care and expansion of energy assistance programs. I especially appreciate the governor’s commitment to improving our state’s education system and removing barriers to post-secondary education and skills training.
U.S.-127 Road Construction Beginning (Again) Soon
Construction will begin this month to rebuild the southbound side of U.S.-127 between Interstates 96 and 496. The northbound portion of this highway was rebuilt last year. Both directions of US-127 traffic from I-96 to I-496 will be shifted to the northbound side of the freeway, with northbound and southbound traffic separated by a concrete barrier.
The following ramps will be closed and detoured from March 18 until mid-June:
- Westbound I-96 to southbound US-127
- Southbound US-127 to westbound I-96
- Southbound US-127 to eastbound I-96
- Dunckel Road to southbound US-127
The following ramps will be closed from March 18 until mid-November:
- Northbound US-127 to westbound I-496
- Eastbound I-496 to Trowbridge Road
- Southbound US-127 to Trowbridge Road
- Trowbridge Road to southbound US-127
- Kalamazoo Street/Howard Street to southbound US-127
For project news and updates, visit
Individual Income Tax Returns Due Next Month
Tax season is quickly approaching, with state and federal taxes due on April 15. Below are some resources that provide free tax assistance:
- Disabled, low income or taxpayers who are 60 years of age or older may be eligible for free tax help from IRS-certified preparers.
- The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program offers free tax help from IRS-certified volunteers. VITA services are available to people who generally earn $58,000 per year or less, people with disabilities and people who speak limited English.
- The AARP Tax-Aide program offers free tax help to people over 50 or people with low to moderate income. AARP membership is not required to receive services.
- Those making $73,000 or less may be able to use the IRS Free File site to prepare federal and possibly state tax returns.
- Those making more than $73,000 can prepare and file taxes for free using IRS Free Fillable Forms. This allows taxpayers to prepare and file taxes online, but still requires them to follow IRS instructions and fill out the forms.
- Additional free tax services can be found at or by dialing 2-1-1.
For information about individual income tax returns and refunds, go to the Treasury eServices website.
Upcoming Event: Coffee & Conversation at South Lansing Library
I’ll be holding my next Coffee and Conversation event on Monday, March 10, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the South Lansing Library, 3500 S. Cedar St., in Lansing. You can register for the event and share any questions or topics you would like covered here. See you then!
Kara Hope
State Representative
In Case You Missed It…
MI SOS Hosting Free Road to Restoration Clinic to Assist Residents in Getting Driving Privileges Restored
The Michigan Secretary of State will be hosting a Road to Restoration Clinic from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11, at Union Missionary Baptist Church, 500 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., in Lansing. The free in-person clinic will give residents the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Michigan Department of State staff and volunteer attorneys to determine the steps necessary to reinstate their driver’s license. Register for the event at