Hello friends,

Your safety remains a top priority of mine as we work together to build secure and thriving Michigan hometowns. In recent months, I have been actively engaged in initiatives and legislative efforts aimed at enhancing the safety and well-being of the people of Michigan. From advocating for increased funding for local law enforcement agencies to protecting those with heart issues, I am committed to ensuring that our community remains a safe place for everyone. In this edition of our e-newsletter, I am excited to share updates on the progress we have made and the steps we are taking to further improve safety in the district.

Taking Your Safety to Heart

My colleagues and I know that public safety and school safety is important to you, and we are providing solutions from all angles. I recently worked alongside the American Heart Association and the NFL to ensure a well-maintained automated external defibrillator (AED) is available in every Michigan school. AEDs are critical lifesaving devices capable of restoring a normal heart rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest.

The presence of AEDs along with a cardiac arrest plan in schools will significantly increase the chances of survival in such emergencies. With AEDs readily available, school staff and students can take swift action, crucially reducing the time to defibrillation, which is the key to increasing survival rates. These laws ensure people are prepared to act in the critical moments following a cardiac emergency.

Look Twice, Save a Life

Another bill of mine that I’m working on is House Bill 4921. This legislation represents an important step towards enhancing the safety of school zones by allowing the voluntary use of speed detection systems. By enabling local authorities to implement these systems, we are actively addressing speeding in areas where our children are most vulnerable. The safety of Michigan’s kids is a top priority of mine as both a state representative and a father. Car crashes are one of the leading causes of death among children — it’s time we took action.

Hospital Gun Safety

A Trigger Lock Distribution Program is a public safety initiative aimed at reducing firearm-related accidents and enhancing gun safety. The program typically involves providing free or low-cost trigger locks to firearm owners. My bill, HB 4214, would establish such a program in Michigan hospitals. I support responsible gun owners and responsible gun ownership, and part of that means taking accountability to prevent accidental misfires in public spaces.

Investing in Public Safety

The House of Representatives recently passed its budget recommendations. I helped pass an amendment that dedicates $7.5 million in one-time funding for the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Public Safety Academy Assistance Program. This initiative is not just a line item in our budget — it is a lifeline to our communities, ensuring the safety and security of our citizens through well-trained law enforcement officers. By strengthening this program, we aim to address the alarming rate at which police officers are leaving the profession and to fill gaps that jeopardize public safety. Investing in our police is investing in the safety of every Michigander and every hometown. Let us help ensure that our officers receive the best training possible to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.


Families with Bridge Cards can double their money in free Michigan-grown fruits and vegetables through the Double Up Food Bucks program at participating farm markets. Look for a farmer’s market near you here.

Contact My Office:

The input my staff and I receive from constituents like you is important to me. Your voice matters, and I am dedicated to representing your interests in our state capital. Reach out to me at JohnFitzgerald@house.mi.gov or give my office a call at (517) 373-0835.

Thank you for reading my newsletter. For updates on the happenings in Lansing, please visit my website and follow me on Facebook or Twitter.


John Fitzgerald

State Representative

District 83