Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Welcome to my latest e-newsletter! It is and continues to be a privilege to represent Livonia, Redford Township and Detroit, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve our community in Lansing. I encourage you to stay up to date on what is going on in Lansing and continue to let me know about the issues that matter to you.

If there is anything I can do to help you and your family, please do not hesitate to call my office at (517) 373-1530, or email me at You can also follow me on Facebook

Legislative Update

Vote Post

Follow this link to see what we voted on over the last couple of weeks. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office at (517) 373-1530 or


Constituent Resources

MDARD Pet Safety Reminders


As we enter the summer months, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is reminding owners on some of the best ways to keep animals cool and safe.


Keep animals safe from the heat by following these tips:

  • Let it Flow: Provide unlimited cool, clean, fresh water.

Just like people, animals can quickly get parched in hot temperatures. No matter the species, animals should have access to unlimited cool, clean, fresh water to prevent dehydration. Also, if out in public, bring along some hydration options for your animal and avoid using shared/communal water bowls.


  • Know Their Limits: An animal’s ability to tolerate heat varies.


An animal’s age, breed, type of coat, and health history can all play a role in their ability to tolerate the heat. Keep an eye on them for signs of heat stress — like increased panting or drooling and being more lethargic. If they are showing these signs, it is time to immediately move them to a cooler area.


Also, consider talking to your veterinarian. They will have a greater knowledge of your animal(s) and be able to give more specific guidance on how to best handle them in hot weather.


  • Happy Paws: Test surfaces to make sure they won’t burn paws.


Surfaces like asphalt, concrete and sand can really heat up in the sun, which can burn paws — or at least make a walk very uncomfortable. To test if a surface is too hot, touch it with the palm of your hand. If it is too hot for you, consider taking a different route that is mostly grass or waiting until the evening when everything has had a chance to cool.


  • Look Before They Splash: Avoid harmful algal blooms (HABs) in bodies of water.


HABs form due to rapid growth of cyanobacteria, also called blue-green algae, which are naturally found in lakes, rivers and ponds. To prevent illness in animals, keep them out of areas with scums or discolored water, rinse them off after contact with any lake water, and bring clean, fresh water for them to drink. If an animal becomes sick after contact with a suspected HAB, call your veterinarian right away.


Also, animal illness due to HABs is reportable to MDARD. To report cases, submit a Reportable Disease Form or call (800) 292-3939. In addition, to report any suspicious looking algae, please email


  • Get in Gear: Parked vehicles are not places to park pets.


Even when temperatures feel more moderate, vehicles can heat up very quickly, creating dangerous conditions for the animals left inside. Leaving windows cracked open and/or parking in the shade do little to improve the situation. In these conditions, it is best to leave pets at home when you need to go out and about.


  • A Place to Chill: Make sure animals have a place to cool down.


Animals know when they are too hot and will usually try to find a place where they can cool down. Make sure they have access to shade, fans, misters, pools, cooling mats and/or air-conditioned spaces to help them stay comfortable.


Following these tips can keep your animals cool and comfortable through any heat wave. If there are any concerns about your animals’ health, either now or throughout the summer months, please talk to your veterinarian.


New UIA Coaching Sessions Available

When you file for unemployment, the first letter you receive from the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) states whether you are approved or denied for benefits. But how did the UIA make that determination? A new coaching session aims to help claimants understand the Monetary Determination letter everyone receives after applying for benefits.

Understanding Your Monetary Determination is the second in a growing series of online group coaching sessions by trained, professional UIA staff. These sessions provide practical information to help workers better understand the process of filing for unemployment benefits.

Understanding Your Monetary Determination Letter coaching sessions are scheduled from 11 a.m to noon every Thursday. Time is allowed through the presentation for attendees to ask questions. Those interested in participating in the coaching session can sign up by going to the Online Coaching Sessions page at


Community Update

Wayne County Cooling Centers

As we continue to experience high heat and humidity, it is crucial to stay safe and cool. Wayne County has several cooling centers open to help you beat the heat.

Please remember to stay hydrated, avoid prolonged activities, and check on vulnerable neighbors and family members.

Find your nearest cooling center here.



Coffee Hours

I hope you can join me for one of my upcoming coffee hours! I look forward to having an informal conversation with you about the issues families face in our community. I host two coffee hours a month, one in-person and one virtual. The location for in-person coffee hours will rotate throughout the year between Livonia, Redford Township, and Detroit. My in-person July Coffee Hour will be in Livonia at Biggby Coffee (33443 W. Seven Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48152). You can join the livestream for my virtual coffee hours on my Facebook page.

In-Person: Sunday, July 7  from 2-3 p.m

Virtual: Monday, July 15 from 6:30-7:30 p.m


Never hesitate to reach out to me or my staff if you have any questions or concerns!



Laurie Pohutsky

Speaker Pro Tempore

17th House District