Dear Neighbors and Friends,

I offer my best wishes to all of you and for all the opportunities the future may bring. I’m focused on continuing to fulfill commitments we have made and pass laws that support the Upper Peninsula. I appreciate you taking a moment to hear from me about the work I am getting done. I am always grateful to have an opportunity to connect with you.

My office is constantly looking for new opportunities to assist you by providing resources and promoting events in our district. If you work with a group that could use our help, please reach out and send us the relevant information so we can share it.

If you are in need of other forms of assistance and don’t know where to begin, I encourage you to send me an email at, check out my website or call (517) 373-0498.

In service,

Jenn Hill

State Representative

House District 109

The Protecting Veterans Mental Health Act

The Protecting Veterans Mental Health Act passed the House on June 20. I am proud to be a cosponsor of this vital legislation. Few professions hold more responsibility than those in the armed forces. Individuals across this country are dependent on the many sacrifices made by servicemen and women to keep our nation safe. This package will create the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency. I’m proud to support policies that support our veterans.


UP Mobile Michigan Department of State Office Event

The U.P. Mobile Secretary of State office event was on June 10. I was grateful to attend with Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to celebrate the launch of the U.P. Mobile Office. Any initiatives that will make access to essential services easier for the Upper Peninsula is something I am proud to be a part of. This new office will provide services that range from renewing a driver’s license to transferring a vehicle title and much more. The mobile office will help promote inclusion and improve public services for those in rural areas of the Upper Peninsula.

You can request for this mobile office to come to your business online here: Mobile Office Visit Request Form.


June 19 is an important day for our state, our county, and I am honored to celebrate it. On June 19, 1865, the last slaves were freed by the army enforcing the Emancipation Proclamation. It is important that we continue to highlight and celebrate historical events like Juneteenth while celebrating the history of Black communities. Discrimination and hate continue to impact families across our state, and as a state legislator I am working to foster safe, equitable and inclusive communities.

U.P. Pride

For too long, too many Michiganders have experienced targeted harassment based on their identities. I have made it a priority of mine, while serving as state Rep. for House District 109, to protect these individuals and actively show support for the LGBTQ+ community. In my first year in office, I voted in support of legislation to expand the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act so its civil rights protections would apply to members of the LGBTQIA+ community. I also cosponsored and voted in support of HB 4616 and HB 4617, which prohibited so-called “conversion therapy” for minors. This month, I was beyond happy to attend the U.P. Pride Fest in Marquette on June 8 and continue to show my support.


Softball for Charity

Bipartisanship is important for creating sound policies for Michigan. Events like the Legislative Softball for Charity event help to create that comradery that is needed for a respectful and productive legislature. On June 5, I played in the second annual Legislative Softball for Charity game. We raised $34,000 for Elle’s Place, a charity aimed at helping grieving children and families. I was grateful for the opportunity to work together and accomplish something good for Michigan while building relationships with my House colleagues.

Upper Peninsula Energy Report Request for Comments

As we continue our statewide transition to clean energy, the Michigan Public Service Commission has opened a public comment period to gather feedback on the unique energy landscape of the Upper Peninsula. This information will be used by the commission to produce a report for the implementation of new renewable energy requirements. Please share your thoughts and concerns!

To facilitate your engagement and provide more information, I have included a link to the U.P. Energy Study webpage, where you can learn more about the project. The website also provides an option to register your email address to receive updates regarding the U.P. Energy Study. Comments may be submitted via mail to: Executive Secretary, Michigan Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 30221, Lansing, Michigan 48909, or by email:

Rep. Hill’s Office Resources

  • Booklets: My office has several free booklets available, which contain helpful information and resources. Below is a list of the booklets that are available by request. You can also find all these booklets online.
    • Veterans — Benefits and Services
    • A Practical Guide for Tenants and Landlords
    • Services for Seniors
    • Crime Victims — Rights Act and Constitutional Amendment
    • A Student’s Guide to the Legislative Process in MI
    • 2021–2022 Michigan Citizen’s Guide to State Government 101st Legislature
    • Portraits of MI — History and Facts on Michigan
    • How State & Local Government Operate: Getting to Know Michigan (Coloring book)
    • Child Safety (Coloring and Activity Book)
    • MI Recycles! (Coloring and Activity Book)


  • Unemployment Insurance Assistance: Please use this form for any assistance you may need with unemployment. A member of our team will be in touch to assist you further.

Office Staff: 

  • Chris Trubac, Legislative Aide, Policy Services
  • Emma Walters, Legislative Aide, Constituent Services

Contact My Office:

The input my staff and I receive from constituents like you is important to me. Your voice matters, and I am dedicated to representing your interests in our state capital. Reach out to me at or give my office a call at (517) 373-0498.

Thank you for reading my newsletter. For updates on the happenings in Lansing, please visit my website and follow me on Facebook or Twitter.


Jenn Hill

State Representative

House District 109