Dear Neighbor,

This e-newsletter aims to keep you updated on the previous month’s activities in the Michigan House of Representatives. It’s an honor to serve as your State Representative in the 15th State House District, which includes the west end of Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. If you should ever need to contact me, don’t hesitate to call my office at (517) 373-0847 or email me at

Erin Byrnes

State Representative

Michigan’s 15th District

Legislative Update 

Gov. Whitmer Signs Balanced, Bipartisan FY25 Budget

July 24, 2024

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed into law a balanced, bipartisan fiscal year 2025 budget to protect public safety, build affordable housing, and help more workers “make it” in Michigan.

“Today’s balanced budget prioritizes public safety, infrastructure, and Michigan workers without raising taxes by a dime,” said Gov. Whitmer. “Together, we will hire, train, and retain more first responders, keep fixing the damn roads, compete to bring manufacturing plants back home, put workers on paths to better-paying jobs, and build a heck of a lot more housing. Let’s keep getting things done that make a real difference in people’s lives and ensuring everyone can ‘make it’ in Michigan.”

“Our sixth balanced, bipartisan, fiscally responsible budget builds on the work we have done to help more individuals and families be their best selves and reach their full potential right here in Michigan,” said Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II. “It makes strong investments in students and teachers, business owners, infrastructure, affordable housing, climate resilience, health equity, and more. Whether you are a parent raising a family or an innovator pursuing your next idea, you are welcome in Michigan. Governor Whitmer and I will continue Standing Tall to help everyone thrive in Michigan.”

Read more here >>>

News and Publications

Wayne County Wastewater Surveillance Workshop

Aug. 7, 2024

I was thrilled to join the Wayne County Department of Health, Human & Veterans Services at a workshop aimed at building wastewater monitoring capacity to drive improved community health outcomes in Wayne County. Hosted by the National League of Cities (NLC), this workshop brought together leading health officials and water utilities, laboratory, academic, and municipal leaders to work together to strengthen wastewater monitoring capacity in the region and drive positive health outcomes for our community. See below on helpful tips on how to prepare when summer rain brings flooding near you!

Here’s how you can prepare:

  • Check catch basins and storm water drains on your street and remove loose debris.
  • Keep your valuables and belongings elevated if you’re in flood-prone areas.
  • Report any issues to 888-ROAD-CREW.
  • Stay weather aware over the next 24-48 hours.

Wayne County urges residents to drive with caution and take steps to protect their homes, vehicles, and valuables should flooding occur. Intense rainfall can lead to road closures, freeway disruptions, or basement and surface flooding.

Follow these tips to stay safe:

  • Avoid flooded roadways and drive with extreme caution during rainfall.
  • Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas; water can be deeper than it appears.
  • Stay away from downed power lines as electric current can pass through water.

Let’s work together to stay safe and prepared to protect our community.

Reading Challenge

Upcoming District Events and Holidays

  • Aug. 20 & 27— Eton Senior Center (Room 12)- Quilting Group 9 a.m.-noon
  • Aug. 21—Genealogy Help (John F. Kennedy, Jr. Library) noon-4 p.m.
  • Aug. 21 & 28— Bridge Group (Eton Senior Center, Room 5) 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 24— Summer Outdoor Movie (Caroline Kennedy Library) 8:45 – 10:30 p.m.
  • Aug. 27— Dearborn Heights City Council Meeting 6 -7 p.m.
  • Aug. 31—Library closed for Labor Day

Community Conversation and Town Halls

Community Conversations and town halls are a chance to discuss the issues facing our state with your legislator. Here are Representative Byrnes’ upcoming constituent events:

Community Conversation with Representative Erin Byrnes 

Join your state representative for a discussion on in-district period updates!

WHEN: Monday, Aug. 26 from 2 to 3 p.m.

WHERE: John F Kennedy Jr. Library Fireplace 24602 Van Born Road, Dearborn Heights, MI 48125