Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am most effective at my job when acting on your direct input. I encourage you to reach out to me and my staff with any questions, comments or concerns you may have regarding our community or state and with any policy ideas.

Please do not hesitate to reach out by phone at (517) 373-0822 or send an email to



Angela Witwer

State Representative, 76th House District


In This Issue:

  •       Weekly Wrap-Ups
  •       In-District Update
  •       General Update
  •       Legislative Update


Blue and red banner reading "Weekly Wrap-Up with Witwer, State Representative Angela Witwer" next to a graphic of a cup of coffee.

Weekly Wrap-Up with Witwer:

Please keep an eye out on my Facebook page for upcoming Weekly Wrap-ups scheduled in the coming months.

In District Update:

September Teacher of the Month Winner- Peter Sherry

Congratulations to our September Teacher of the Month winner, Peter Sherry! Peter teaches health and coaches varsity baseball at Waverly High School. Thank you for all that you do for your students and the entire Waverly community. Congratulations again!

October Teacher of the Month Nomination Link

Road Work Alert
The Michigan Department of Transportation is rebuilding the I-69 Business Loop (Cochran Avenue) bridge over the Battle Creek River in Charlotte, requiring crews to close the roadway until late October.

Spoke at In-District Michigan Farm Bureau and FFA Event
I spoke at a Michigan Farm Bureau and Michigan FFA Association event at a local farm in our district to celebrate the $4 million in continued investments for the FFA that I secured in the state budget.

I am proud to have helped secure this continued funding to support the FFA in its mission to shape the next generation of agricultural leaders in our state. Prioritizing and protecting Michigan’s agriculture industry is one of my top priorities as a legislator. I know firsthand that the family farms in our district are essential to our local economy. With this continued funding to the FFA, countless young farmers will be able to access the education they need to keep Michigan farms strong for generations to come.

Spoke at Grand Opening for Delta Township Amazon Facility
I had the honor to participate in the grand opening ceremony for the Delta Township Amazon fulfillment center. This facility, located off of West Mount Hope Highway, is as large as 14 football fields, and will bring more than 1,400 jobs with comprehensive benefits to our community. I look forward to seeing the prosperity this facility will bring to the hardworking, middle-class families of our district and the business it will draw to our community.

Attended Judge Kelly Morton’s Investiture to the Eaton County Circuit Court

I had the great privilege to attend and speak at my friend Judge Kelly Morton’s investiture to Eaton County Circuit Court. Judge Morton and I became friends during our run for office, and that friendship has grown out of deep respect and admiration. Thank you to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for appointing Judge Morton, and thank you Kelly for your commitment to our community.

Participated in Event for Michigan’s First Food Locker
On National Hunger Action Day on Sept. 10, I helped welcome the first smart food locker in the state to our district. Nearly 14,000 people in Eaton County don’t know where their next meal is coming from. But thanks to the partnership between the Greater Lansing Food Bank, Eaton Community Health, University of Michigan Health-Sparrow, The Community Foundation and the food pantries and emergency housing shelters in Eaton County, residents in need now have 24/7 access to shelf-safe and refrigerated foods to feed their families.

Attended 150th Celebration of the Eaton Rapids Fire Department
I was proud to join the Eaton Rapids Fire Department for its 150th anniversary. I first watched the parade in the city of Eaton Rapids and then went to the fire station to present a tribute and flag that flew over the Michigan Capitol. It was an added bonus to see one of my high school friends who is a firefighter. Thank you to all the first responders!

Attended Eaton County Pheasants Forever Banquet
I recently attended the Eaton County Pheasants Forever dinner. It’s always a great time to meet up with friends and neighbors. I presented a flag that flew over the Michigan Capitol to a veteran. Thank you for the invitation!

Attended 9/11 Memorial Service at the Capitol with Charlotte Police Chief Paul Brentar
The Michigan House of Representatives came together for a 9/11 memorial service. Every representative brought a first responder. My guest today was Chief Paul Brentar from the Charlotte Police Department.

Retirement Tribute to Gregg Ginebaugh
I was happy to join the retirement celebration for Gregg Ginebaugh. Gregg retired as Delta Township Fire Department chief. All of us in Delta Township and Eaton County thank Gregg for his service. It was an honor to present him with a tribute from the state. 

Tour of Michigan State Police Training Facility with Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist
I joined Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist to tour the Michigan State Police training facility. We watched recruits train and discussed the rigor and respect from other states.

Successful Constituent Services on the Road Event
In September, we participated in the Constituent Services on the Road event with special guests Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s office, state Sen. Sarah Anthony’s office, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of State and the Unemployment Insurance Agency at the Delta Township District Library. It was great to speak with and help answer questions for the high number of constituents we had at the event. We look forward to hosting more of these events in the future.

Presented Tribute to Potterville Public Schools
I recently attended a Potterville Public Schools board meeting. I presented a tribute from the state of Michigan to their teachers and students for receiving the Capturing Kids Hearts National Schoolcase School District Award. Many teachers were there, and I was able to meet a few students also. I stayed for the entire meeting. Congratulations to all of Potterville for your great families and schools.

Spoke at Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for Sunset Hills Park Project in Potterville
I spoke at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Sunset Hills park project in Potterville, which was awarded a Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Recreation Passport Grant award. Thanks to this grant, this park’s beautiful landscaping, playground and new pollinator garden are more accessible to families and the surrounding communities.

Budget Wins Recap:

FY24 Budget Wins for Eaton County

  • Delta-Waverly Senior Center: $10 million
  • Eaton Rapids Teen Center: $3 million
  • Olivet Fire Department: $1 million
  • University of Olivet Advantage Scholarship
  • Sparrow-Eaton Cancer Center: $2 million
  • Eaton County Sheriff Mobile Police Unit: $900,000
  • Dimondale City Hall: $750,000
  • Waverly High School Auditorium: $3 million
  • Delta Township sewer project: $10 million

FY24 Statewide Budget Wins

  • $2 million ongoing and $2 million one-time increase for Double Up Food Bucks
  • Universal breakfast and lunch for public school students
  • $11.6 million for rural and isolated school district funding
  • $0.85 direct-care worker wage increase
  • $4 million in grants for Future Farmers of America

FY25 Budget Wins for Eaton County

  • Water Infrastructure
    • Vermontville: $2 million
    • Grand Ledge: $5 million
    • Potterville: $4 million
    • Dimondale: $2 million
  • Eaton County Fire Training Facility: $700,000
  • Michigan Medicine for improved ground emergency transportation in Eaton County, EMS partnership with LCC and Survival Flight helicopters: $5 million
  • Bank Intercounty Drain Project: $5 million
  • Eaton County Prosecutor’s Office one-time operational support: $250,000
  • Grand Ledge emergency disaster relief and cleanup following the August 2023 storm: $250,000
  • Eaton Rapids Medical Center’s new inpatient wing: $5 million 

FY25 Statewide Budget Wins

  • Future Farmers of America: $4 million
  • Public Safety and Violence Prevention Fund: $75 million annually
  • Revenue Sharing Trust Fund: $75 million annually
  • Continuation of providing universal breakfast and lunch to Michigan’s 1.4 million public school students, saving families $850 per year: $200 million
  • Veterans of Foreign Affairs National Home infrastructure and maintenance upgrades: $1.5 million
  • $0.20 an hour raise for direct care workers: $28.7 million

In the upcoming fiscal year 2025 budget, we are putting $598 million back into classrooms where it belongs. Savings per school district include:

  • Charlotte Public Schools: $325 per pupil
  • Maple Valley Schools: $354 per pupil
  • Potterville Public Schools: $407 per pupil
  • Waverly Community Schools: $482 per pupil
  • Grand Ledge Public Schools: $363 per pupil
  • Olivet Community Schools: $345 per pupil
  • Eaton Rapids Public Schools: $422 per pupil

Legislative Update:

Participated in a Press Conference to Announce Supplemental for Schools
Last week, the Legislature passed a supplemental funding bill. With this supplemental and allocations from the school aid budget, we are ensuring $150 million goes directly to local school districts to keep classrooms strong and kids healthy. And these funds will give schools the power to increase school safety and mental health resources.

Schools in my district are receiving:

  • Charlotte Public Schools: $266,921
  • Eaton Rapids Public Schools: $219,352
  • Grand Ledge Public Schools: $601,581
  • Maple Valley Schools: $102,272
  • Olivet Community Schools: $139,447
  • Potterville Public Schools: $80,665
  • Waverly Community Schools: $306,130

An infographic of accomplishments for Michigan State Representative and Appropriations Chair Angela Witwer from January to June 2024. Seven categories read: "66 bills and resolutions sponsored and cosponsored. 1,100+ constituent responses from our office. 11 coffee hours. 2,318 legislative doors knocked. 100% voting record. 124 tributes and certificates. 330+ community meetings."

Here’s a recap of our first six months of 2024! I’m proud to serve all Michiganders as Appropriations Chair and the people of Eaton County and the 76th House District as state representative. My office and I work tirelessly to advocate for responsible community growth and communicate what’s happening at the Capitol. I look forward to what the rest of 2024 holds!

A green and red graphic reading "PreK for All" in front of a blue outline of Michigan. Pictures of young students learning at PreK are spread along the border of the graphic. Along the bottom the graphic reads "Now here in Michigan!"

Pre-K for All is Now Here in Michigan!

Big news for little learners! Thanks to a historic investment in the fiscal year 2025 state budget, access to free, high-quality pre-K has expanded in Michigan! Starting in the fall of 2024, all Michigan 4-year-olds can qualify for free pre-K. 

Attending a quality pre-K program has a positive impact on a child’s life by preparing them for success in kindergarten and beyond. Michigan’s pre-K program, the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP), is ranked first in the nation for quality.

Find a program near you at 

Participated in Press Conference with Attorney General Dana Nessel
Supporting our police and protecting our communities has always been a priority for me. I recently joined Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, members of the AG’s office, and various attorneys and prosecutors from across the state to announce the launch of Operation Survivor Justice.

Operation Survivor Justice is a partnership between the Michigan Department of Attorney General, local county prosecutors, and the U.S. Marshals Service, working to locate, apprehend and return to Michigan fugitive offenders with outstanding sexual assault warrants at a significantly lower cost compared to private extradition services. In the FY25 budget, we worked to include a $1 million appropriation for this initiative.

The unfortunate reality is extraditing defendants back to Michigan can be a costly endeavor that many local prosecutor’s offices simply do not have the resources for. That’s why we decided to help remove these barriers by increasing financial support from the state, so survivors of sexual assault can begin to heal when perpetrators are finally brought to justice.

Press Release for the Event

My Sponsored Legislation Signed Into Law This Term

HB 4001
This bill repealed the retirement tax that has impacted our Michigan retirees living on a fixed income. Now, half a million households with public pensions, private pensions, IRAs and 401ks with an employer match will benefit from this law and save about $1,000 a year.

However, HB 4001 does more than repeal the retirement tax. It also quintuples the Michigan working families tax credit match of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to 30%, up from 6%. It will lift 25,000 working families out of poverty and deliver an average combined tax refund of $3,150 to 700,000 families, directly impacting nearly one million kids — almost half the kids in Michigan.

HB 4016

This bill was a supplemental appropriations bill that made historic investments in hospitals and health-care workers, supported home energy solutions, protected our environment, funded affordable housing and attracted investments in manufacturing.

HB 4082
This bill renames a portion of a Michigan Highway, I-96 in Ionia County beginning at mile marker 76 and extending east to mile marker 77, in memory of Barry Lyn Hause, a road construction worker who tragically lost his life while on the job after being struck by a vehicle.

This newly designated Barry Lyn Hause Memorial Highway stands as a lasting memorial and serves as a reminder to us all to drive safely and to respect the sacrifices made by road construction workers like Barry.

HB 4197
This bill helps prevent the financial exploitation of seniors and other vulnerable adults by allowing broker-dealers and investment advisors to place temporary holds on disbursements of funds or securities when there is reason to believe that financial exploitation of a customer has occurred.

HB 4337

This bill amends a portion of M-50 in Eaton County currently named the, “Ensign Francis Flaherty Memorial Highway” to be named the “Ensign Francis Flaherty Medal of Honor Recipient Memorial Highway.”

HB 4437
This bill was the omnibus appropriations bill. As the chair of House Appropriations, it was an honor to lead the House in listening to our communities to include their priorities. Our district had big wins, wins it has never seen before. Our successes include funding for local roads, sewer infrastructure for continued developments, police support, a new senior center, education support, a new city hall, teen center and much more.