Hello District 32,
Happy Holidays to everyone in our community! The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster of events in Lansing, and our office is doing the best it can to bring real results for our families and neighbors throughout House District 32.
As my first term comes to an end, I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who has done your part to help make House District 32 the amazing district it is. We look out for one another. We stay civically engaged. We are educated on important issues. While some great pieces of legislation will not likely make it across the finish line this session, we will continue to fight for what is right, for everyone! Our work as a community and as good people is never complete. I would like to end 2024 with a powerful quote:
“We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution.” A speech given at the National Cathedral, March 31, 1968.
In solidarity,
Jimmie Wilson, Jr.

State Rep. Jimmie Wilson, Jr. (D-Ypsilanti) testifies before the Housing Subcommittee of the Economic Development and Small Business Committee in favor of his bill, House Bill 5238, which deals with Eviction Expungement on Dec. 5, 2024, in the Anderson House Office Building in Lansing.
Scheduling: If you have events you would like me to attend, businesses you would like me to visit, or even if you want to meet one on one to discuss the good and the improvable in the community, please email my office, and I will do my best to be available!
Shelter Resources for Winter: For information on warming centers and shelters, please go to the following link from the city of Ypsilanti: https://cityofypsilanti.com/909/Ypsilanti-Warming-Center. You can also call the Housing Access of Washtenaw County phone number, (734) 961-1999.
Constituents Update:
- Hottest Topics This Month:
- National Popular Vote
- Michigan Voting Rights Act
- Gambling Taxes
- Protecting our Water
- Ending Corporate Subsidies
- Protecting Bargaining Rights
Legislative Updates:
- I have a 100% voting record in the 102nd Legislature.
- I have sponsored 44 bills and resolutions.
- I have co-sponsored 787 bills and resolutions:
- You can track this, and all other legislation, on Legislature.MI.gov.
- On the home page, find the “Quick Links” section, then click “Legislators.” Next, scroll down to my name. You will find links for my sponsored and co-sponsored legislation, as well as a link to my website.
My Committees:
- Policy Committee:
- Regulatory Reform
- Appropriations Committee:
- Appropriations Subcommittees:
- Judiciary (Chair)
- Joint Capital Outlay
- Military and Veterans Affairs and State Police
- School Aid and Education
- Appropriations Subcommittees:
District Resources
- Constituent Services and Scheduling Requests: JimmieWilson@house.mi.gov
- Legislative Information and Bill Idea Submissions: LDotson@house.mi.gov
- Double Up Food Bucks: DoubleUpFoodBucks.org
- United Way: Dial 211
- Provides services related to senior crisis intervention, networking services to aid with maintaining independence and social integration programs.
- Barrier Busters: (734) 544-6748
- Group matches people with entities that can help fulfill unmet needs.
- Habitat for Humanity: (734) 677-1558
- Home ownership program and home improvement assistance.
- Housing Access of Washtenaw County: (734) 961-1999
- Legal Aid Services of Washtenaw County: (734) 665-6181