Dear Neighbor,
Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including news and resources from your state government.
Nine Bills Withheld from Governor by House Republicans, Constitutionality of Action Uncertain
In an unusual and possibly unconstitutional move, new Republican leadership in the House has announced that they are indefinitely withholding nine bills that properly passed both chambers of the previous Legislature at the end of 2024. This action means that even though the bills have been passed by both the Senate and the House, they are being kept from reaching the governor’s desk, preventing her from performing her duty of signing or vetoing the bills.
The Michigan Constitution requires that legislation passed by the Legislature be “presented” to the governor for her signature. The Constitution’s “plain language” does not give the House Speaker, House Clerk, or any other single individual discretion to hold back properly passed bills for any reason. For decades, bills have consistently been presented to the governor shortly after being passed in the Legislature. This is in keeping with past practice as well as the spirit of the constitutional language. The Constitution is, however, silent as to exactly when the bills must be presented.
The nine bills that are being blocked would benefit Michigan’s working families. They include bills to lower healthcare costs for public employees, add corrections officers to the Michigan State Police’s pension system and protect certain assets of debtors subject to garnishment. I sponsored the garnishment legislation (House Bill 4900).
In better news, 100 bills from “lame duck” have been presented to the governor for her signature; the Constitution gives her 14 days to sign or veto them. Because the last Legislature has adjourned, anything that is not signed in that 14-day window is considered “pocket vetoed.” I have sponsored the following bills that have been presented and are awaiting the governor’s signature:
- Expand Access to Birth Control: House Bill 5436 would allow pharmacists to prescribe and dispense all forms of self-administered hormonal contraceptives, including the pill, ring and patch.
- Improve Maternal Infant Health: House Bill 5173 would require hospitals to provide information on the health insurance enrollment process to parents of newborns.
- Criminalize Sextortion: House Bill 5888 would enhance criminal penalties for those who coerce individuals into sending explicit images and then extort them for money or other acts under the threat of exposure to friends, family or the public.
Holiday Tree Collection and Recycling
For city of Lansing residents: This is the final week the city will offer curbside collection of natural holiday trees. To have your tree picked up, place it at the curbside on your scheduled CART collection day. All trees must be cut in half, and each segment must be less than four feet in length. All bags, decorations and other materials must be removed. More information is available here.
The Delhi Township Recycle Center will accept undecorated, tinsel-free trees until Jan. 31. The recycle center is at 1418 Grovenburg Road, Holt.
Upcoming Event: Coffee & Conversation with Rep. Hope
Mark your calendar! Join me for a Coffee & Conversation event on Monday, Feb. 3, from 4-5 p.m., at the Sam Corey Senior Center, 2108 Cedar St. in Holt. You can register for the event and share any questions or topics you would like covered here. See you then!
Tri-County Office on Aging Will Host Memory Loss Caregiver Workshops
The Tri-County Office on Aging is hosting a 3-session workshop series for those caring for an individual with dementia or Alzheimer’s. The series will be offered at two different locations:
- In Lansing at PACE Lansing, 1921 E. Miller Road, 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Thursdays, Feb. 6, Feb. 13 and Feb. 20, 3:30 to 5 p.m.
- In Eaton Rapids at the First Congregational Church of Eaton Rapids in the Bible study room on Tuesdays from Feb. 11, Feb. 18 and Feb. 25, 9:30 to 11 a.m.
These events are free to the public. To register, call (517) 887-1465 or email For more information on this and other TCOA workshops, visit
Kara Hope
State Representative