Dear Neighbor,

Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including updates and news from your state government.

Expungement Fair Gives Residents a Second Chance at a Clean Slate


Thank you to all of the organizations, volunteers and attendees who made last week’s expungement fair at Cooley Law School a success! Together, we started expungement paperwork for 151 people.

Under Michigan’s “Clean Slate” expungement laws, individuals with up to three felonies and unlimited misdemeanors can have their records expunged. On April 11, Michigan’s automatic expungement mandate went into effect, which allows for certain convictions to be expunged without an application.

Find out more about Michigan’s new expungement laws, as well information about upcoming fairs, here. If you are interested in pursuing expungement but are unable to attend a fair, you can fill out Legal Services of South Central Michigan’s Expungement Intake Application.

Special thanks to Attorney General Dana Nessel, Cooley Law School, Safe and Just Michigan, Legal Services of South Central Michigan, Capital Area Michigan Works!, and Lansing City Clerk Chris Swope for generously partnering with us on this event.

Gov. Whitmer Proclaims May as Military Appreciation Month 

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proclaimed May as Military Appreciation Month in Michigan. This proclamation honors military members by recognizing the sacrifices made to serve our country.

The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency helps support veterans by connecting them with local, state and federal benefits as well as resources they earned for their service. To learn more about education, employment, healthcare and quality-of-life benefits, veterans can contact the Michigan Veteran Resource Service Center here or call 1-800-MICH-VET.

House Adopts Arbor Day Resolution

Last week, I introduced a resolution to declare April 28, 2023, Arbor Day in the state of Michigan. Trees help mitigate climate change, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitats for wildlife. I am happy to report that House Resolution 91 was adopted by the Michigan House of Representatives.


Kara Hope

State Representative