Dear Neighbor,

Welcome to my Capitol & Community Update! I am honored and thankful for the opportunity to represent you in Lansing. I hope everyone is having a great fall season and continues to stay healthy.

My staff and I are here to serve you and help however we can. If you have any concerns that you’d like to voice to my office, please email us at or give us a call at (517) 373-1790.


Rachel Hood
State Representative
District 81

Legislative Updates

Over this past month, I’ve been actively involved in our community through legislative efforts. I’m focusing on practical solutions to improve the lives of our residents. My dedication to this cause is unwavering, and I’m committed to working collaboratively to address the issues that matter the most to our community.

The first piece of legislation that I have actively taken a part of is a research and development (R&D) bill package (HB 50995102), which would allow for a qualifying business to claim a tax credit against the tax imposed by their research and development expenses.

I am also working on legislation regarding residential property assessed clean energy (PACE) (HBs 5118 and 5119), which will grant local units of governments the ability to adopt property assessment programs and provide eligible Michigan property owners with greater flexibility in financing residential clean energy and water projects.

Our Community Recap

Second Nature Campaign Celebration at Blandford Nature Center on Thursday, Sept. 21


I was so pleased to join my colleagues at Blandford Nature Center as we celebrated the completion of the Highlands $7.5 million capital campaign. It was an honor to help dear friends and mentors as we completed this vision. Blandford was my first priority for $1.5 million in this year’s budget cycle.

Coffee Hour on Friday, Sept. 29

Coffee Hour

Thank you to those who joined me on Friday, Sept. 29, to discuss issues that are happening in our communities! It was a true pleasure to see both familiar faces and newcomers alike, all coming together to share their insights and perspectives!

MIAEYC Legislative Luncheon: Tuesday, Oct. 3


Earlier this month in Lansing, I met with some amazing early childhood educators who were advocating for better wages for child care workers. This is an issue that we need to address to support families, children and our economy. I’m proud to have voted many times to advance wages for this community service, and I’m hopeful to help lead continued advancements for children, families and all of us!


Michigan WorkShare Program

Michigan’s Work Share program allows employers to restart their businesses and bring employees back from unemployment. Employers can bring employees back with reduced hours while employees collect partial unemployment benefits to make up a portion of the lost wages. Click here for more information.

Home Repairs with State Emergency Relief 

State Emergency Relief assists with home repairs to correct unsafe conditions and restore essential services. Eligible home repairs may include repair or replacement of a non-functioning furnace, water heater or septic system. This program can be found through MI Bridges, and the link is included here.

Michigan Homeowners Assistance Fund

This fund will help prevent foreclosure and displacements of homeowners due to the coronavirus pandemic. Applicants will be able to apply and submit required documentation through the web-based application or may be assisted by a third-party counseling agency or legal aid office. MSHDA also is partnering with Michigan 2-1-1, a nonprofit organization, to serve as a statewide call center to answer questions, provide program details and help homeowners with application submissions. Additional program details and updates can be found here.

Double Up Food Bucks

Buying food is expensive right now, especially for our neighbors struggling to put food on the table. Double Up Food Bucks is here to help. For those who shop for groceries with a SNAP/Michigan Bridge Card, they can double their benefits to purchase fresh, Michigan-grown fruits and veggies using Double Up Food Bucks. The program is available at 260+ participating farmers markets and grocery stores across Michigan. With farmers market season already here, it’s a great time to use the program! Learn how it works and find a participating location near you at