Dear Friend,

And just like that — 2023 is coming to a close! As we move through these last few weeks of December, I want to take some time and reflect on the year and how much we’ve been able to accomplish in both the Legislature and community. I am incredibly grateful for the relationships we have built and the work we have been able to do across Downriver. While there were many highs and lows of 2023, I know that we are working hard to move Michigan forward — and I’m proud to be representing the Downriver community in Lansing.

2023 “Year in Review”

Churches thats a wrap

In 2023, our team worked hard to meet the needs of constituents, pass meaningful legislation and show up for the Downriver community. We solved more than 76 constituent cases including unemployment, housing, and Medicaid issues, sponsored and co-sponsored 194 bills, and attended and/or hosted more than 176 community events. In addition to this, we had three of our sponsored bills signed into law by Gov. Whitmer and brought home over $63 million in funding Downriver to support investments in infrastructure projects, education, and workforce training and development. Some of our notable investments secured include: $20 million for the Grosse Ile Parkway Bridge repairs and maintenance, $400,000 for lead line service replacements in Gibraltar, and $10.7 million for the Downriver Career Technical Consortium.

As we head into the new year, it is my goal to continue this work and amplify the Downriver community as your state representative in Lansing. I encourage you to reach out to my office if you have any questions, concerns or feedback — my team and I are always here to help.

I hope you and your family enjoy the holiday season while staying safe and healthy, and I am excited for what’s to come in the year 2024 while serving as your state representative.

Happy Holidays,

Rep. Churches Signature

Jaime Churches

State Representative, Michigan’s 27th House District

Mailing Address: Michigan House of Representatives, P.O. Box 30014, Lansing MI 48809-7514

Phone: (517) 373-0478
