Dear Neighbor,

This e-newsletter aims to keep you updated on the previous month’s activities in the Michigan House of Representatives. It’s an honor to serve as your state representative for the 15th House District, which includes the west end of Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. Should you ever need to contact me, don’t hesitate to call my office at (517) 373-0847 or email me at

Alt. text: A Community Conversation graphic for Michigan State Representative Erin Byrnes' March 24th event. The 2 to 3 PM event will take place at the JFK Library Fireplace, 24602 Van Born Road in Dearborn Heights. Community conversations are a great chance to discuss the issues facing our state and community with your legislator.

Erin Byrnes

State Representative

Michigan’s 15th District


Community Conversations and Town Halls

Community conversations and town halls are a chance to discuss the issues facing our state with your legislator. Here are Rep. Byrnes’ upcoming constituent events:

Community Conversation with Rep. Erin Byrnes

WHEN: Monday, March 24, from 2-3 p.m.

WHERE: JFK Library of Dearborn Heights, 24602 Van Born Road in Dearborn Heights

A Community Conversation graphic for Michigan State Representative Erin Byrnes' March 24th event. The 2 to 3 PM event will take place at the JFK Library Fireplace, 24602 Van Born Road in Dearborn Heights. Community conversations are a great chance to discuss the issues facing our state and community with your legislator.


  • Community Conversation on Monday, March 31, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Qamaria Yemeni Coffee in Dearborn.
  • Community Conversation on Monday, April 28, from 2-3 p.m. at the JFK Library in Dearborn Heights.

Legislative Update

Hope, Byrnes Commend Government Ethics Bills, Push for Further Action

February 20, 2025

The Michigan House of Representatives passed House Bills 4062-64 on February 20. These bills seek to end the “revolving door” from government official to lobbyist by creating a mandatory two-year “cooling off” period before state legislators, the governor, lieutenant governor and state principal department heads can engage in lobbying after their service has ended. State Reps. Erin Byrnes (D-Dearborn) and Kara Hope (D-Holt) worked to pass similar government transparency legislation through the House last term. Acknowledging there is more work to be done, Byrnes issued the following statement in support of the legislation:

“I am glad to see quick action taken on important issues related to government ethics and transparency,” Byrnes said. “Michiganders shouldn’t have to worry about their elected officials’ voting record being influenced by the prospect of future lobbying opportunities, and this package ensures they don’t have to. I was proud to have worked on similar legislation as chair of the House Ethics and Oversight Committee, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to push for more policies that further improve government transparency and build trust, such as expanding the Freedom of Information Act in Michigan.”

Rep. Byrnes and Rep. Hope sit at a table while testifying in committee at the Michigan House Office Building.

Byrnes Commends Focus on Getting Students Back on Track in the State of the State Address

February 26, 2025

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered her seventh State of the State Address before a joint legislative session today. In her speech, the governor discussed her plan to lower costs for families ahead of looming tariffs, increase the workforce and deliver results for the people of Michigan. After the address, state Rep. Erin Byrnes (D-Dearborn) issued the following statement:

“I was proud to bring Betty Adams as my guest this evening. As Library Director of the Dearborn Public Library, Betty’s life-long love of and commitment to libraries and the services they can provide is invaluable to our community. I was happy to hear the governor’s continued dedication to getting students back on track — and a huge part of getting kids on track for literacy learning and student growth is uplifting our local libraries. I look forward to continuing to bring my conversations with local educators and librarians in our community to the table in Lansing.”

For more information on what the Governor outlined in her address, please go to:

Rep. Byrnes and Betty Adams stand on the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives chamber.

House Education Committee

March 5, 2025
This past Wednesday, The Education and Workforce Committee met to discuss teacher certification legislation House Bills 415053.

I emphasized the importance of master teachers serving as mentors to new teachers, a support that would be removed for teachers with a local certificate under House Bill 4153. During my first year in the classroom, my master teacher was a critical resource who helped me lesson plan and manage my time so that I could best support my students. I want to ensure that every new teacher has access to a master teacher whose expertise can guide them as they take their first steps in the classroom.

While I’m disappointed we were not given more time to review and discuss these bills, I look forward to continuing this conversation as we seek to streamline and strengthen the process of teacher certification.

Watch the education committee meeting here:

Rep. Byrnes sits at a table with a placard with her name on it.

News and Publications

Ramadan Mubarak

Wishing all who observe a peaceful holy month of Ramadan.

Graphic that reads, Ramadan Mubarak with an illustration of a landscape above it.


March is Reading Month

March 1, 2025

Join me in revisiting an old favorite or finding a new treasure at one of our local libraries! Our schools and libraries are sanctuaries for students and adults alike to grow their education through reading. Reading books aloud to children ignites creativity and curiosity, and stimulates the imagination of young children as they expand their understanding of the world. I encourage you to share your favorite books through public readings or in the comfort of your own home.

How do you get involved?

See my favorite book here:

Contact your local public library to find scheduled reads or check out a book!

Caroline Kennedy Library

24590 George St.

Dearborn Heights, MI 48127

Main: (313) 791-3800


John F. Kennedy, Jr. Library

24602 Van Born Road

Dearborn Heights, MI 48125

Main: (313) 791-6050


Henry Ford Centennial Library

16301 Michigan Ave.

Dearborn, MI 48126

(313) 943-2330


Bryant Branch Library

22100 Michigan Ave.

Dearborn, MI 48124

(313) 943-4091


Esper Branch Library

12929 W. Warren

Dearborn, MI 48126

(313) 943-4096


Want to request a reading with Rep. Byrnes?

Call our office at (517) 373-0847 or email us at to schedule a reading at your school or local library.


Tribute Requests

If you know of any individuals or organizations that deserve special recognition for the tremendous work they do to serve the people of our communities and our state, I would love the chance to recognize them with a tribute. Please submit a tribute request at the link below for any individual or organization that you feel has truly gone above and beyond for their neighbors.

Tribute Request:

Rep. Byrnes holds a tribute with a constituent.

School Capitol Tour Requests

Guided tours of the Capitol are provided for district school groups and interested constituents Monday through Friday and begin at the top of every hour, with the first tour beginning at 9 a.m. and the final tour beginning at 4 p.m. Also, the Michigan Capitol is now open for guided tours on the first Saturday of the month! Tours should be scheduled in advance for groups of between 10 and 45 people. Groups of fewer than 10 people do not need to schedule a tour but are recommended to call in advance to check tour availability.

Schedule a tour of the Capitol or Michigan History Museum at (517) 373-2353.

Stop by our office in the Anderson House Office Building (124 N. Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48933) across the street during the week and we can provide informational booklets at your request and say hi!

Rep. Byrnes talks with a school group at the Michigan capitol.