Hello Friends,

Welcome to my latest e-newsletter!

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer outlined her top budget priorities in a presentation to the Legislature earlier this week. The recommended budget is a clear reflection of our values and puts the people of Michigan first.

By investing in education, infrastructure, workforce and economic development, healthy families, and safe communities, this budget proposal will set Michigan up for success for years to come. As Democratic vice chair of the House Appropriations Committee, I look forward to the work that lies ahead to ensure we make this recommendation a reality.

The budget priorities the governor and I will fight for include:

  • Putting money back into the pockets of Michiganders.
    • Increasing the state’s earned income tax credit from 6% to 20% of the federal credit.
    • Eliminating the retirement tax.
  • Investing in our students.
    • Increasing per-pupil funding by a historic 5%.
    • Providing classroom support, mental health services and additional assistance or resources to children in need to help them thrive in an educational environment.
    • Funding the Great State Readiness Program (GSRP) to provide free preschool for eligible 4-year-olds.
  • Respecting educators through historic recruitment and retention programs.
  • Fixing our crumbling infrastructure.
    • Repairing roads and bridges.
    • Providing reliable generator backup power to state-owned pumping stations to prevent highway flooding.
    • Creating a new infrastructure office to ensure federal resources are effectively, efficiently and optimally implemented when needed.
    • Improving access to broadband internet.
    • Expanding the MI Clean Water Plan grant program to support lead service line replacements and water contamination risk reduction.
  • Growing our economy.
    • Delivering hero pay to essential and frontline workers.
    • Investing in talent retention and expansion.
    • Removing barriers to employment for low-income, poor and working poor residents
    • Investments in electric vehicle manufacturing.
  • Promoting a healthy Michigan.
    • Improving access to Medicaid dental services.
    • Reforming the behavioral health system.
    • Increasing capacity for children and families in the Child Welfare System.
    • Reducing racial and economic disparities in Michigan’s health care system.
  • Protecting our communities.
    • Tackling court backlog.
    • Uplifting communities by making investments in jobs programs, counseling and education.
    • Expanding law enforcement resources and retaining first responders.

Remember, my office and I are here to serve you. If you need any assistance or would like to offer your opinion on upcoming legislation, you can reach my staff and me by email at JoeTate@house.mi.gov or by calling us at (517) 373-1776.

In service,

Joe Tate

State Representative

2nd House District