LANSING, Mich., May 12, 2022 — The House Committee on Families, Children, and Seniors gave its approval to a bipartisan legislative package, HBs 5801, 5974-78, 5980-81, 6070 and 6073-75 and HR 262, that aims to improve Michigan’s foster care and adoption system. Part of the package is state Rep. Brenda Carter’s (D-Pontiac) House Resolution 262. It urges the U.S. Congress to expand the federal Family First Prevention Services Act to allow more children to remain safely in their homes. Carter issued the following statement on the package:

“There is a great deal of research that shows that children in the foster system have the best outcomes when they are placed in a safe and stable environment. The resolution I have included in this bill package creates an opportunity to provide stability for children in the foster care system and alleviates the challenges they face. It encourages Congress to expand policy that improves the lives of children in the foster care system. I want nothing more than to help support these kids and prepare them to lead healthy, happy and productive lives. I was proud to vote in favor of these bills and my resolution, and I look forward to seeing them considered on the House floor.”