LANSING, Mich, Jan. 18, 2024 — House Democrats are addressing critical gaps in water protection regulations with a bill receiving a hearing today in the House Committee on Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation. House Bill 5205 would nix a rule that’s been crippling the ability of Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) to keep people safe from hazardous pollutants. The rule prevents EGLE from using any new scientific knowledge since 2006 to keep our environment and water safe —  consequently hindering Michigan’s ability to update hazardous contaminants lists for nearly two decades. This is not only impacting public health but also environmental compliance with federal law. The bill would remove this rule so that Michigan can use the latest information to better protect the health of our air, water and people.

After testifying in committee, bill sponsor state Rep. Emily Dievendorf (D-Lansing) issued the following statement:

“With one simple rule change, we can re-equip our state with the tools needed to protect our water and our people, and restore Michigan’s lost legacy as an environmental leader and clean water champion. It’s long overdue.”
