LANSING — House Democrats have outlined a plan today for a funding allocation to preserve the Clean Michigan Initiative. First approved by Michigan voters in 1998, the bond program funded environmental cleanup and protection as well as the preservation and enhancement of the state’s natural resources. When it became clear that funding for the program would run out this year, House Democrats went to work to create a Clean MI 2.0 plan to ensure critical, on-going projects run by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources are able to continue.

“Michigan’s lakes, her forests and natural beauty are unique in the world – protecting them is part of who we are as Michiganders,” said House Democratic Leader Sam Singh (D-East Lansing). “We have seen over and over again how dire the consequences can be when environmental hazards aren’t taken seriously. Now more than ever we need to dedicate ourselves to preventing another humanitarian crisis from unfolding in our state. Allocating these resources today guarantees the safety and well-being of families tomorrow.”

The 8 bill legislative package will:

  • House Bill 6242 (Singh): Outline the ballot language for the bond
  • House Bill 6243 (Sabo): Outline the parameters of the bond and provides the necessary language for authorizing
  • House Bill 6244 (Sowerby): Outline funding breakdown for the reauthorized bond
  • House Bill 6245 (Cambensy): Provide funding for onsite wastewater treatment (septic) systems
  • House Bill 6246, 6247 (Rabhi, Hertel): Expand the current Lead Safe Homes fund program and abatement activities, which previously have been focused on lead-based paint, to include lead hazards created from in-home pipes and fixtures that contain lead.
  • House Bills 6248, 6249 (Chang, Sneller): Create the Lead Abatement Fund within the state treasury to receive CMI funding, direct the money to be used for grants in identifying and abating pipe-related lead hazards in municipal infrastructure.

“Local governments are financially stressed throughout the U.P. and the entire state, making it difficult to fund the infrastructure repairs and upgrades critical for clean drinking water and sewer systems,” said state Rep. Sara Cambensy (D-Marquette). “My bill would set up a fund for financially distressed homeowners and local units of government to help pay for water and sewer infrastructure. It would also address water pollution and drinking water quality, wastewater treatment, and other environmental cleanup such as leaking underground storage tanks, PFAS remediation, lead abatement and more. The state must step up and address these serious threats to the health of people and our environment, and ease the burden on families and communities who simply cannot afford higher water and sewer rates and infrastructure costs.”