“During an unprecedented global public health crisis, access to clean, safe water remains one of the most important necessities to keep Michigan residents safe. Unfortunately, families from communities of color, especially in Detroit and Flint, have been suffering from water insecurity long before COVID-19 arrived in our state — and will continue to do so until we implement long-term solutions.

While Gov. Whitmer’s executive orders to reconnect water service and prohibit future shutoffs during this pandemic saved lives, our communities need more than temporary relief. They need permanent guarantees and affordable solutions to ensure access to fresh, clean water which is a basic life-sustaining need.  We look forward to working with our community to make certain they are not disparaged further during and post the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Members of the Detroit Caucus Executive Committee include state Reps. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo, Chair; Tyrone Carter, Vice Chair; Tenisha Yancey, Secretary and Joe Tate, Treasurer.