LANSING – State Representative Brandon Dillon (D-Grand Rapids) welcomed today’s decision from federal court, where Judge Bernard Friedman ruled that Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. Dillon called on the Kent County Clerk’s Office to adhere to the ruling and begin issuing marriage licenses to all couples that seek them.

“Today is a great day for love and equality,” Dillon said. “I’m proud to now live in a state that respects the rights of all its citizens, regardless of whom they marry. I’m urging the Kent County clerk to comply with this ruling immediately and issue marriage licenses to all couples.” The lawsuit against Michigan’s 10-year-old ban was brought by a lesbian couple who were barred from adopting each other’s children because they could not legally marry. Witnesses for the state failed to prove that children fare better with opposite-sex parents than they do with same-sex parents.

“Opponents of marriage equality claim to be supporting ‘traditional’ families, but discriminatory laws like this are decidedly anti-family,” Dillon said. “When the state treats a child’s parents like second-class citizens, they suffer. Today, Judge Friedman sent a message that all Michigan residents are free to live and love as they choose, and I fully stand behind that message.”