District 1
Monthly Update | January 2024
Dear Friends,
Happy new year! Thank you for reading my e-news and thank you for allowing me to serve you in the 1st House District and act as your voice in Lansing. My team and I remain committed to helping constituents with their questions and issues, while also providing useful resources.
As your state representative, I am most effective at my job when acting on your input. As you may know, I am the chair of the Regulatory Reform Committee, and I also serve on the following committees: Judiciary; Criminal Justice; Military, Veterans and Homeland Security; and the Appropriation Subcommittee on Labor, Economic Development, and Lifelong Learning. I encourage you to reach out to me and my staff with any questions, comments or concerns you may have about issues in the district or legislation that will impact our state. You can contact me at (517) 373-0154, toll free at (888) 254-5291, by email TyroneCarter@house.mi.gov or through my website. Thank you for your commitment to the community we both call home; I look forward to hearing from you!
In Service,
Rep. Tyrone Carter
State Representative
House District 1
Tyrone Carter
State Representative, 1st House District
Coffee Hours
I hope you can join me for my upcoming coffee hours! I look forward to having an informal conversation with you about what I’ve been doing in Lansing and in the community as well as any concerns you may have about issues facing our community.
Metro Detroit Warming Centers
Snow and colder temperatures are here, and it is more important than ever to keep yourself and your loved ones warm and safe. Those in need of warmth can visit several warming shelters and respite locations across the city of Detroit.
The city is operating three warming centers, in conjunction with two local nonprofit homeless service providers, open now through March 31 to offer temporary relief when year-round shelter may be at capacity.
Individuals, families and youth seeking shelter or warming center placements can go to 1600 Porter St., Detroit, MI 48216 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. or Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. for an assessment and intake procedure.
Veterans seeking shelter should go to 4646 John R. St., Red Tower 2nd, Detroit, MI 48201 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please call (313) 305-0311 to inquire about available shelter options.
Facilities for: Families and Single women
Cass Community Social Services: 11850 Woodrow Wilson St., Detroit, MI 48206
(313) 883-2277
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries: Mack Warming Center, 11037 Mack Ave., Detroit, MI 48214
(313) 331-8990
Facilities for: Single men ONLY
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries: Third Street Warming Center, 3535 Third Ave., Detroit, MI 48201
(313) 993-6703
River Rouge Residents:
Police Department
10600 W. Jefferson Ave.
River Rouge, MI 48218
Utility Shutoff Protections in Michigan
Last year, thousands of utility customers across Michigan received protection from the shutoff of their utility service. There are a variety of shutoff protections customers may qualify for, including:
- Low-Income Winter Protection Program
- Protects income-qualified customers against utility shutoff from Nov. 1 to March 31.
- Senior Citizen Shutoff Protection
- Protects customers 65 years and older from utility shutoff from Nov. 1 to March 31.
- Medical Emergency Protection
- Provides a 21-day shutoff hold when a customer or member of their household experiences a medical condition that would be made worse by lack of utility service. This protection may be extended up to 63 days per household member and up to a total of 126 days per household.
- Critical Care Protection
- Provides shutoff protection when a disruption of utility service would be immediately life threatening to the customer or a member of their household.
- Active-Duty Military Shutoff Protection
- Provides a 90-day shutoff protection for utility customers and their spouse when either is called to full-time active military service under certain circumstances.
Tax Credit Checks to be mailed in February
In December, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that about 700,000 Michigan families will receive an average of $550 from the expanded Working Families Tax Credit. Refund checks will begin to be disbursed Feb. 13. Michigan families who qualified for the Working Families Tax Credit as part of their 2022 tax return will be receiving these checks. The tax refund is part of $1 billion in tax cuts that the governor signed into law in 2023.
The Department of Treasury will automatically process checks for Michiganders who submitted their 2022 tax return and confirmed eligibility for the additional state credit. Checks will be mailed on a rolling basis as soon as they are printed. It is estimated to take between five to six weeks to print and distribute all payments to eligible Michiganders.
Please note that eligible Michiganders do not need to submit any additional paperwork to receive the tax credit. However, if you have moved frequently or recently and have concerns about your address accuracy, you can manually update it here.
Gov. Whitmer 2024 State of the State Address
This year’s State of the State address outlined some practical policy solutions to continue tackling the problem of poverty in Michigan. Lowering costs, expanding and investing further in education, and putting the American dream in reach for more Michiganders is the right thing to do. People are tired of living one paycheck away from financial ruin if they or a family member gets sick and needs care. Tax credits for caregivers, free pre-K for every 4-year-old in Michigan, lowering costs for working families and rolling taxes back for seniors — all of these things go a long way to help individuals and families make it in Michigan.
If you’d like to watch the address or learn more, please click the link here: 2024 State of the State (michigan.gov).

Rep. Carter and River Rouge Mayor William Campbell attended this year’s State of the State address
Carter in the Community

Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council’s (MiDDC) Take Your Legislator to Work event. (Pictured: Jacqueline Cuevas)

Detroit Caucus Small Business Resources Expo. (pictured Aleata: Cartwright)

McDonald’s Turkey Drive

Bill signing with Governor Whitmer and Rep. Carter

Rep. Tyrone Carter, Testimony in the House.
We Want to Hear from You
Rep. Carter would like to hear from you! Use the link below to let us know your concerns about both legislation and issues within the district. Additionally, we would love to hear what you would like to see included in future monthly newsletters.
District 1 Concerns/Suggestions

Rep. Tyrone Carter, House District 1
Tyrone Carter
State Representative
House District 1
TyroneCarter@house.mi.gov | (517) 373-0154