As we celebrate Black History Month, we reflect upon Michigan’s Black history which is filled with stories of leadership in championing democracy. From being a safe-haven stop along the underground railroad to Canada and the labor strikes led by Black workers in Detroit, to Detroit being the home of several historical figures in Black history — including Rosa Parks, Rev. C.L. Franklin and Albert Cleage — Michigan is part of America’s story of civil rights and the fight for democracy. I’m proud to be one of the Black legislators continuing the political legacy of our city and state.

As your representative, I am most effective at my job when acting on your input. As the 103rd Legislature begins, I am proud to serve on the following committees: Judiciary (Minority Vice Chair), Finance, Regulatory Reform and the Select Committee on Protecting Michigan Employees and Small Businesses. I encourage you to reach out to me and my staff with any questions, comments or concerns you may have about issues in the district or legislation that will impact our state. You can contact me at (517) 373-0154, toll free at (888) 254-5291, by email at or through my website. Thank you for your commitment to the community we both call home. I look forward to hearing from you!

In Service,

Tyrone Carter 

State Representative 

1st House District 


In this issue: 

March Community Hour 

SW Detroit Water Damage- Insurance Info 

Celebrating Black History 

2024 Tax Information 

Fiscal Year 2026 Governor Whitmer Budget Recommendations 

2025 State of the State Address 

March Conversation with Carter- Community Hour 

Please join me for my upcoming community hour on Friday, March 14th! I look forward to having an informal conversation with you about the issues families face in our community. 

Friday, March 14, 2025 

1:00-2:00 p.m. 

Kemeny Recreation Center 

2260 S. Fort St., Detroit 48217 


2:30-3:30 p.m. 

Pope Francis Center- Board Room 

2915 W. Hancock St, Detroit 48208 

(Parking lot located on Lawton St. just past Hancock. Please enter the building through the public entrance.)

SW Detroit Water Damage Insurance Info 

Ongoing efforts by the Detroit Water and Sewage Department and the Great Lakes Water Authority continue as they manage clean-up and assess damages from the recent water main break. Crews are still on site and remain actively engaged and committed to repair efforts.  

Residents impacted by the water main break should call DWSD at (313) 774-5261 for emergency assistance resources and to report water damage. Residents are being advised by the City to file a claim with their insurance company first. DWSD and GLWA are expected to cover the cost of damages not covered under insurance.  

Below are hyperlinked resources from the Department of Insurance and Financial Services’ (DIFS) website that residents may find helpful when working with insurance companies to file a claim and repair damages. DIFS can help answer questions regarding what an insurer must do and help explain policy language. 

Additional information regarding disaster preparedness, as well as how to file a complaint against an insurance company with DIFS, is available on the DIFS website at under the “Consumer” dropdown.   

Please feel free to contact the Office of Consumer Services toll-free Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at (877) 999-6442 with any questions you may have related to insurance.  

Celebrating Black History 

Highlighting Black-Owned Businesses in Detroit 

This month and every month, be sure to visit some of the black owned business in Detroit by clicking on the link or visiting one of the museums below! 

Charles H. Wright African American History Museum  

315 E. Warren Ave., Detroit, MI 48201 

(313) 494-5800 

The Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village  

20900 Oakwood Boulevard, Dearborn, MI 48124 

(313) 646-7824 

MBAD’s African Bead Museum  

6856 Vinewood St., Detroit MI 48208 

(313) 898-3007 

Tuskegee Airmen Museum  

11499 Conner St, Detroit, MI 48213 

(313) 843-9949 

Detroit Historical Society  

5401 Woodward, Detroit, MI 48202 

(313) 833-1805 

Detroit Institute of Art  

5200 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48202 

(313) 833-7900 

Motown Museum  

Berry Gordy Jr. Boulevard, 2648 W. Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48208 

(313) 875-2264 

For more information about Black History in Michigan, click here and learn more about Black history in the Michigan Legislature from the Michigan Legislative Black Caucus. 

I was honored to be joined by Pastor Leon Mullens of Holford St. Church of Christ in River Rouge who delivered the invocation before House session last week.

2024 Tax Information

State of Michigan Individual Income Tax Returns

The Michigan Department of Treasury announced the official 2025 filing season began on Jan. 27 and is processing individual income tax returns.

Individuals can file their state individual income tax return online, with a tax professional or by mailing in paper forms and documentation. All state of Michigan income tax returns and payment of any taxes owed must be received by April 15, 2025.

City of Detroit Individual Income Tax Returns

City of Detroit individual income tax return filing also began Jan. 27 and ends on April 15, like federal and state income tax returns. City individual income tax returns can be e-filed or completed using paper forms and mailed through the U.S. Postal Service. As part of a partnership with the City, the Michigan Department of Treasury has been processing the City of Detroit’s individual income tax returns since the 2015 tax year.

Taxpayers with taxes due can pay by eCheck, debit or credit card by April 15, 2025. To make a City of Detroit individual income tax payment, go to and then click on the “City of Detroit Individual Income Tax” button and then “Make a Payment.”


Free Income Tax Preparation

Below are sites around Detroit offering free tax preparation assistance for eligible residents through the Accounting Aid Society. Appointments are necessary at some sites, while other sites offer drop-and-go services. To schedule an appointment, please call the Accounting Aid Society at (313) 556-1920 or schedule online 


Main Detroit Public Library 5201 Woodward, Detroit 48202 

Monday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 

Thursday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 

Tuesday-Wednesday, 12-8 p.m. 

(Closed 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24) 

Duffield Branch Library 2507 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit 48208 

Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 

Northend Financial hub 1550 Taylor St., Detroit 48206 

Mondays-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Fisher Magnet Upper Academy 15491 Maddelein St., Detroit 48205 

Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 

(Closed 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24) 

Focus Hope 1400 Oakman Blvd., Detroit 48238 

Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.  

Saturday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. 

(Closed 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24) 

LA SED Senior and Youth Center 7150 W. Vernor Hwy., Detroit 48209  

Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.  

(Closed 3/3, 3/10. 3/17. 3/24) 

Northwest Financial hub 7800 W. Outer Drive, Detroit 48235 

MondayTuesday &  

Thursday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 

Wednesday, 12-8 p.m. 

(Closed 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24) 

River Rouge Senior Center 10625 W. Jefferson Ave., River Rouge 48218 

Wednesday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 

For appointments, call (313) 842-3360 

University of Detroit-Mercy 4001 W. McNichols, Detroit 48221 

Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.  

(Closed 3/1, 3/8, 3/29) 

City of Detroit Property Tax Appeal Project

The City of Detroit allows homeowners to appeal their property taxes. To make an appeal, property owners must make a case for why the city’s assessment is too high, showing the assessment isn’t in line with surrounding property values or there are facts about the property that are wrong. You can go directly to the City’s website, or the University of Detroit Mercy Housing Law Clinic and the Coalition for Property Tax Justice can help you appeal for FREE through the Property Tax Appeal Project (PTAP). 

Website: Property Tax Appeal Project: Automated Appeal System

Phone number: (313) 438-8698

FY 2026-27 Budget Recommendations

Budget season has officially kicked off with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivering her FY 2026-27 budget recommendations in the joint House and Senate Appropriations committee hearing on Feb. 5, 2025. The executive budget recommendation proposes a state operating budget of $143.8 billion for FY 2026-27, ensuring we keep the budget in line with the state’s economic growth. We must deliver a budget by July 1, 2025, to ensure school districts can plan ahead for students. Investing in schools means investing in our kids. It’s important that the budget makes life more affordable, gives people breathing room, and uplifts communities. I am committed to bringing investments to the City of Detroit, River Rouge and Ecorse.

Please see the full Executive Budget Recommendations here: FY26-Budget-Book.pdf.

2025 State of the State Address

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will deliver her seventh State of the State Address on Wednesday Feb. 26, 2025, at 7 p.m.  Her proposals are expected to focus on the continuation of creating jobs, fixing the roads, lowering costs, investing in education, and much more. 

The address will be held in the Michigan House chamber in front of a joint session of the Michigan House of Representatives and the Michigan Senate and will be broadcast live throughout the state. Tune into your local tv station or watch online at one of the following:  |   Facebook    |   YouTube

Pastor Leon Mullens of Holford St. Church of Christ in River Rouge and Rep. Carter.  

We Want to Hear from You

Rep. Carter would like to hear from you! Use the link below to let us know your concerns about both legislation and issues within the district. Additionally, we would love to hear what you would like to see included in future monthly newsletters.

District 1 Concerns/Suggestions


Tyrone Carter

State Representative

House District 1

(517) 373-0154