LANSING — State Rep. Pam Faris (D-Clio) was appointed this week to the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Health and Human Services Committee. The committee is made up of legislators and legislative staff who are appointed by the legislative leadership in their states. The committee is charged with protecting states’ interests in federal decisions regarding various programs including Medicaid, aging services and child welfare, along with many other programs that provide critically important services.

“I appreciate Speaker Tom Leonard’s confidence in my abilities to represent the Michigan House of Representatives in the National Conferences of State Legislatures’ Health and Human Services Committee, and I feel honored to have this opportunity,” Rep. Faris said. “Health care and social services are among the most important issues being addressed in Congress and in state Legislatures across the country today, including here in Michigan. I look forward to working with legislators from around the country, not only in sharing my own experience from Michigan, but also in learning what other states have done successfully that could be applied here at home.”

Rep. Faris currently serves on the House Appropriations Committee, as well as the Appropriations Subcommittees on General Government, Health and Human Services, School Aid and Education, and the Michigan Capitol Committee. Her appointment to the NCSL Health and Human Services Committee will be for the remainder of the 2017-18 legislative term.
