LANSING, Mich., Sept. 10, 2020 —Today, the House passed the bipartisan ‘Good Moral Character’ reform package, which would collectively remove barriers for individuals with past criminal convictions when seeking professional certifications. State Rep. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo (D-Detroit), sponsor of House Bill 4492 in the package to update the Michigan Occupational Code, released the following statement in response:

“I am pleased that my colleagues in the House were willing to give thousands of Michiganders a second chance at life. Making mistakes is a part of the human experience, we all do it. And we all deserve a chance to positively move forward and build a successful future. This bill package creates an opportunity for them to do that. As we continue to navigate through this pandemic and imagine what things will be like on the other side, we must do everything we can to ensure those who are willing and able to serve their communities don’t have unreasonable barriers in their way.”