State Rep. Carol Glanville (D-Walker) speaks at the Blandford Nature Center.
WALKER, Mich., Sept. 22, 2023 — State Rep. Carol Glanville (D-Walker) and the city of Grand Rapids welcomed funding in the bipartisan “Make it in Michigan” fiscal 2023-24 budget with two ceremonial check presentations yesterday. The budget provided critical funding for two major Grand Rapids capital projects — expanding the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum and infrastructure improvements at the Blandford Nature Center.
“I am very thankful for this budget that just keeps delivering for the people of both Grand Rapids and the greater metro area,” Glanville said. “My top priority is always listening to what residents need and bringing solutions home for them. That’s why I’m grateful to help bring these wins home to our community.”
Glanville recently presented ceremonial checks to the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum, which received $5 million, and the Blandford Nature Center, which received $1.5 million. These matching grants will help complete capital campaigns.
“This state funding arrives at the perfect time for Blandford Nature Center to close our $7.5 million capital campaign for The Highlands, and launch us into growing our organization and our work in environmental education and connecting our community to nature,” said Steve Wilson, interim president at Blandford Nature Preserve. “We are most appreciative to Rep. Glanville and the West Michigan legislative delegation — their work on this support added to more than $6 million raised from our local donors.”
From left to right: Steve Wilson, state Rep. Rachel Hood (D-Grand Rapids), state Sen. Mark Huizenga (R-Walker), Laurie Gardner, and state Rep. Carol Glanville (D-Walker)
Grand Rapids Children’s Museum CEO Maggie Lancaster and state Rep. Carol Glanville (D-Walker)