Legislation enhances education, improves school funding

LANSING, Mich. Sept. 26, 2024 — Michigan House Democrats held a press conference yesterday on a plan that would supplement funding for school systems across the state to use at their discretion, including for school safety and mental health. State Rep. Carol Glanville (D-Walker), a former educator and champion for education, issued the following statement following the bills’ passage:

“Every young person in Michigan deserves a high-quality education that sets them up for success, and we’re fighting to support them every step of the way. By increasing school funding and supporting students, we are taking significant steps to build a brighter future for all Michigan kids. As a former educator, I know how critical these investments are to the classroom and to the well-being of both students and teachers. I am proud to support this legislation that strengthens schools and helps ensure that all students can thrive.”
