State Rep. Carol Glanville (D-Walker) was joined by Wendy Winston GRPS teacher, member NEA Board of Directors and Chris Andrus co-owner, The Mitten Brewing Company at the Michigan Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024.
LANSING, Mich., Jan. 24, 2024 — Before a joint legislative session today, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered this year’s State of the State address. In her speech, the governor discussed her agenda for the coming year, which includes building on the successes of last year by expanding educational opportunities, access to affordable housing and lowering costs for families. State Rep. Carol Glanville (D-Walker) issued the following statement on Whitmer’s address:
“I share in the governor’s optimism. Michigan is headed in an exciting and prosperous direction. As lawmakers, we set a strong foundation last year, but I know we have more work to do to ensure Michiganders are thriving. As a former educator, I’m passionate about ensuring Michiganders have access to a solid educational experience from start to finish. Our kids are our most valuable asset. Last year, we strengthened our K-12 schools with historic investments in per-pupil spending, free breakfast and lunch for public school kids and relieved school debt. This year, we’re looking to continue investing in them.”
Over the past year, Glanville and her colleagues in Lansing have worked diligently. Some of the state legislature’s accomplishments include phasing out state taxes on retirement income, increasing tax credits for working families, no-cost school meals for all public school kids and developing local economies with targeted investments. These efforts will bolster the economy and ensure Michigan is a healthy state to live in. The work will continue for the brightest future for all Michiganders. .