LANSING, Mich., April 23, 2024 — State Rep. Rachel Hood (D-Grand Rapids) celebrated $159 million in grants from the Biden-Harris administration to support solar energy for low-income households in Michigan. The funding will go toward the federal Solar for All program, which will accelerate the deployment of rooftop solar, community solar and energy storage. Following the news of the funding, Hood, a steadfast advocate of community solar, issued the following statement:

“We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to help us kick-start community solar. Community solar has the potential to attract private dollars to improve reliability and provide easy subscription-based access to affordable solar energy. This work will advance our ability to meet local and state clean energy goals. It’s a rare, critical opportunity to deliver environmental justice to Michiganders. Now is the time to pass bipartisan community solar legislation to advance clean energy access in Michigan.”
