“Michigan voters decided and the election has been certified. It’s time to say enough is enough, to end these endless partisan theatrics, and to focus on an orderly and peaceful transfer of power, not to mention responding to a global pandemic that continues to ravage our state and nation while the outgoing Trump administration and their Republican allies in the Michigan Legislature sit idly by and do nothing to stop the spread of COVID-19.

“Mr. Giuliani and his campaign to disenfranchise millions of Michigan voters have no business in our state and certainly not before a House committee. Far too many legislative Republicans continue to advance the Trump campaign’s radical attempt to undermine our elections and erode public confidence in our democracy. The fact that Chairman Hall and the Republican leadership have chosen to give Mr. Giuliani a platform to sell his debunked conspiracy theories is, to be frank, reprehensible.

“It is a travesty that Michigan’s Republican leaders have repeatedly infused chaos into our state’s pandemic response to score divisive, partisan political points. Now, they’re continuing their political theater by perpetuating disinformation through sham committee hearings and baseless public statements.

“Michiganders deserve elected leaders who exemplify integrity, respect the will of the people and place Michiganders’ interests above their partisan political agenda. Sadly, our Republican legislative colleagues have failed Michiganders during this election and in addressing the most significant public health crisis in 100 years.”
