LANSING – House Democratic Leader Tim Greimel (D-Auburn Hills) has named Todd Cook to be the House Democratic Caucus’ chief of staff. Cook will replace interim Chief of Staff Jason Ellenburg, who will now serve as the caucus’ director of central staff.

“I feel fortunate to be able to bring Todd onto our team, and I’m confident that his experience will help move the House Democratic Caucus forward as we work on the issues that Michigan’s middle-class families care most about, such as education and tax relief,” Greimel said. “After working in and around legislatures for nearly 20 years, both at the state and national level, Todd brings many skills to the table. We’re glad to have him.”

Cook, who will take on his new duties in the coming weeks, is currently a partner in issue advocacy and political communications firm Main Street Strategies in Lansing. From 2002 to 2007, he served as vice president of government relations for the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, where he received national recognition from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Before that, he served as director of legislative affairs for Michigan House Minority Leader Buzz Thomas (D-Detroit). Cook’s other government experience includes tenures as deputy communications director for Michigan House Speaker Curtis Hertel, legislative aide to then-state Sen. Gary Peters and aide to U.S. Rep. Bob Carr.

His nongovernmental experience includes time in Washington and Detroit for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Cook also serves on the Capitol Region International Airport Authority, Michigan State Board of Nursing Home Administrators, Oakland University Department of Political Science Advisory Board and various other community groups.

“I’d like to thank Leader Greimel, the Democratic leadership team and the entire caucus for this opportunity,” Cook said. “I’m very excited about working with such a great group. I’m also looking forward to working with entire staff, especially Jason Ellenburg, to help Leader Greimel and the caucus continue the good work that they’re doing for working families across the state.”

Cook and his wife, Rebecca Bahar-Cook, live in Lansing with their two children.