LANSING – House Democratic Leader Richard E. Hammel (D-Mt. Morris Township) and Democratic Floor Leader Kate Segal (D-Battle Creek) said today that they are encouraged that Michigan’s transportation needs are front and center on the legislative agenda because good roads and infrastructure will spur job creation in our communities. “Improving our roads and infrastructure are key to growing Michigan’s economy and creating good-paying jobs for our residents,” said Hammel. “This bipartisan package of bills is a good place to start the discussion about what we need to do to maintain our infrastructure now and prepare for our state’s future needs.” The bipartisan package of bills addresses a number of critical road and transit issues and includes nine members of the Democratic caucus as bill sponsors. “House Democrats are going to be vigilant in ensuring that this package addresses the needs of our businesses and communities and the economic future of our state, but also making sure that our middle class and working families are shielded from bearing the entire cost of these proposals,” said Segal. “We are anxious to begin discussions about rebuilding our state and our economy and getting our workers back on the job.”