LANSING – House Democratic Leader-Elect Tim Greimel (D-Auburn Hills) said Wednesday that he has issued Freedom of Information Act requests to determine whether Republican legislative leaders used taxpayer money to pay for private security guards and to learn who on Tuesday directed the Michigan State Police onto the Floor of the House, a violation of their jurisdiction.

“I want to know whether Michigan taxpayers were made to foot the bill for private security guards used by Speaker Jase Bolger (R-Marshall) and Speaker Pro Tempore Rep. John Walsh (R-Livonia),” Greimel said. “Michiganders work hard for their money, and the taxes they pay should be spent on services that benefit everyone in this state, not just Republican House leadership.”

Greimel said a second FOIA request was filed with the Michigan State Police to determine who gave the order for several Michigan State Police troopers to come onto the House Floor following the vote on a “right-to-work” bill yesterday. The House floor is outside of state police jurisdiction and authority — the House Sergeants-at-Arms provide that service. Hundreds of state troopers were called in from around the state to be in Lansing Tuesday, draining safety officers from many Michigan communities.

“Obviously, we appreciate and respect the need to protect public safety and to ensure law and order around the Capitol, but we are very concerned that State Police troopers began to intervene on the House floor when a procedural dispute over House rules occurred,” Greimel said. “State troopers belong on the streets, ensuring public safety, not on the House floor.”