Dear Friend,

I hope everyone had a great St. Patty’s day and was able to get out and enjoy the warm Spring weather!

This Monday, I’ll be hosting a coffee hour at the Ford Senior Center from 10-11 a.m., and I invite you to come and discuss your concerns for the district or just to chat!

There has been a lot going on in the news lately, but at home in Michigan, we’ve been making big strides. Last week, I voted to repeal the gas tax in order to help many in our district who have felt the effects of rising prices on their wallets. One of the most exciting things we can be looking forward to is the governor’s proposed budget, which has the potential to jumpstart a new era for public education in Michigan. This new educational investment will be putting more money into classrooms in order to ensure that children in Michigan receive the education they deserve.

Of course, there’s always much more to discuss, and I look forward to seeing and talking with you all on Monday!


Alex Garza

State Representative