Hi Neighbor, 

It’s tax season again, and taxes will be the theme of my first in person Community Conversation on Monday, March 10 at 10 a.m. Please join me at the Redford Community Center, 12121 Hemingway St. in Redford Township.  

The topic will focus on “Taxes and Refunds — What We All Need to Know,” with special guest Priscilla Perkins, from the Accounting Aid Society. I hope you can attend, but if not, you can watch live or any time live on my Facebook page: Facebook.com/RepStephanieYoung. 

Graphic for Michigan State Representative Stephanie A. Young's Community Conversation on Taxes and Refunds - What We All Need to Know. Join her and special guest Priscilla Perkins from Accounting Aid Society on March 10 at 10 a.m. at Redford Township Community Center, 12121 Hemingway St. in Redford Township.

In Service, 


Stephanie A. Young 

State Representative 

House District 16