Dear Neighbors,

Welcome, June! I have had a busy spring so far with various events, and summer will be no different. Thank you to all who have attended events in the district and shared your concerns and ideas. Please mark your calendars for upcoming events in Detroit, Eastpointe and Roseville this month. I look forward to speaking with you about the ongoing budget process and other legislative updates.

Thanks for reading my e-newsletter! For even timelier updates, please connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. As always, if you have any questions, concerns or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office at (517) 373-0852 or


Rep. Kimberly L. Edwards

House District 12

Upcoming events

I have three community conversations scheduled in June, each with special guests. I am excited to speak with community members and our special guests. Please join us!

Graphic inviting constituents to a community conversation with state Rep. Kimberly Edwards. Details below.

Detroit Community Conversation with special guest Brian Smith of the Tuskegee Airmen Museum: Friday, June 7, from 6-7 p.m. at Heilmann Recreation Center. Please RSVP on Facebook.

Graphic inviting constituents to a community conversation with state Rep. Kimberly Edwards. Details below.

Roseville Community Conversation with special guest State Rep. Mai Xiong, the new Michigan House District 13 representative: Monday, June 10, from 6-7 p.m. at Roseville Public Library. Please RSVP on Facebook.

Graphic inviting constituents to a community conversation with state Rep. Kimberly Edwards. Details below.

Eastpointe Community Conversation with special guest Principal Todd Yarch of Eastpointe High School: Thursday, June 20, from 6-7 p.m. at Eastpointe Memorial Library. Please RSVP on Facebook.

Recently signed legislation requires schools to maintain AEDs and make them accessible within one to three minutes during a cardiac emergency. In celebration of the new law, the NFL donated 50 AEDs for Michigan legislators to distribute to schools in their districts. I’m excited to present Principal Yarch with an AED at this community conversation!

A Night to ReJoyce – My Mental Health Matters Gala

Thank you to LWSC Community Circle, Building Beyond Barriers and Young Voices Action Collective for inviting me to speak at A Night to ReJoyce – My Mental Health Matters Gala in May. As a former social worker, I was honored to celebrate May as Mental Health Awareness Month and share what the Legislature has done and is doing to support mental health and end the stigma. Beyond May, we can continue building a Michigan where no one suffers in silence, everyone can access the mental health care they need and every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Hosting Bishop Eric Lloyd in Lansing

At the end of April, I was excited to welcome Bishop Eric Lloyd of Rhema International Church in Harper Woods, to give the invocation ahead of our legislative session. Thank you, Bishop Lloyd, for opening our session prayerfully.

If you are ever in Lansing on a session day, please let me know. Welcoming constituents at our Capitol is a highlight of my job!

Budget season

Graphic with a silhouette of Michigan at the top and text reading, “Making investments prioritizing family stability & funding for local towns.”

The House of Representatives passed its version of the fiscal 2024-25 budget in May. We focused on strengthening Michigan’s hometowns, including major investments in education and social services. Strong families mean a strong Michigan, which is why we’re prioritizing students, mental health, behavioral health and child care. House Dems are committed to putting people first, and I look forward to the final passage of a budget that will help all Michiganders thrive in June.