LANSING — Tonight, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered her first State of the State address, outlining her vision for the state and calling for bipartisan collaboration to address the issues facing Michigan’s working families. In response, state Rep. Padma Kuppa (D-Troy) issued the following statement:

“Education is the key that opens the door to success in the future — not just for the individual receiving their education but for their community as a whole. Today’s students are tomorrow’s teachers, engineers, doctors, scientists and leaders, but only if they are able to receive the training they need to get there. That’s why it’s critical we tackle rising higher education costs now, to put an end to our kids being priced out of the future they deserve. Through programs like the MI Opportunity Scholarship, we can provide opportunities for motivated students who may otherwise not be able to afford college or skills training following high school and ensure we’re truly preparing the talented workforce we need to remain competitive in the 21st Century. I am thankful we have a Governor who recognizes the importance of making education available to as many as possible, and I look forward to working with her to bring this vision to fruition.”

Rep. Kuppa was joined by her son, Shreyas Tadapelli for the address.

