In recognition of César Chávez Day coinciding with the March 31 birth of the influential civil rights and labor movement leader, members of the Michigan Legislative Latino Caucus (MLLC) leadership team released the following statement:

“The legacy of César Chávez is inspiring and he remains one of the most influential civil rights and labor activists in our country’s history. Chávez was a tireless advocate in pursuit of justice in all forms and for all people. By taking unprecedented action organizing farm workers and fighting for union contracts, stronger wages and safer working conditions, he further empowered workers everywhere to live and work with the dignity and respect they deserve as human beings.

“In the face of adversity and injustice, Chávez fought back against a status quo of discrimination and harm. His rallying cry of ‘Si Se Puede!’ still rings true and serves as an incredible reminder of strength in each of us in addition to our entire Latino community when we join together and make our voices heard.

“As leaders of the Michigan Legislative Latino Caucus and elected officials, we will always keep the life and work of César Chávez in the forefront of our minds as we continue the fight to realize his vision of equality, justice and respect for all workers.”