DEARBORN HEIGHTS — State Representative Frank Liberati (D-Allen Park) announced today that he will be hosting a transportation town hall on Tuesday, June 21, from 6:30-8:00pm at the Eton Senior Recreation Center, 4900 Pardee Ave. in Dearborn Heights.

The event is co-hosted by state Representatives George T. Darany (D- Dearborn), Robert Kosowski (D- Westland), Leslie Love (D-Detroit) and Julie Plawecki (D- Dearborn Heights).

“Transportation is certainly still a hot topic, so I’m excited to host this event so folks in our respective communities can hear experts from around the state give presentations on topics like funding, construction and regional transportation,” said Liberati. “It is clear to me that the ‘fix’ that was passed earlier this year by the legislature will need to be readdressed very soon.”

The event will feature speakers from the Michigan Department of Transportation, County Road Association of Michigan, Wayne County Department of Public Services and Regional Transit Authority, among others.

“Letting our roads and bridges deteriorate threatens motorists’ safety and hurts our economic recovery,” said Plawecki. “We need a long-term funding solution to our state’s underfunded and inadequate infrastructure. It is important to seek input from residents and experts to fully explore funding and construction solutions. This transportation town hall presents a great opportunity to have a discussion on how we can improve our state.”

“It is no secret that our transportation infrastructure needs significant updating and repair,” Kosowski said. “1997 was the last time our state dedicated a substantial increase towards state transportation revenue. That was 20 years ago. We need to begin thinking outside the box and come up with creative ways to get more funding towards Michigan roads and its infrastructure, besides through raising taxes on our residents. I am committed to continue working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in Lansing to try to come up with innovative solutions.”

“I'm excited to co-host this town hall with my colleagues. Coordinated transportation and infrastructure improvements are fundamental to talent and job development,” said Love. “Better roads, infrastructure and transit system literally pave the way for people to have access to better jobs and training programs. Not to mention the benefits to businesses in Wayne County.”

“I have heard from my constituents, and I agree that Michigan’s transportation system is in need of improvement,” said Darany. “Bad roads and our failing infrastructure are jeopardizing public safety. We cannot afford to continue proposing disjointed legislation that does not provide a sustainable solution for our roads, bridges, and public transportation system.  This town hall is a great opportunity to present information to the community and gather feedback from our residents to bring back to Lansing.”