DETROIT — State Rep. Leslie Love (D-Detroit) has dedicated this year’s March Six O’clock Series to health and wellness. Over the course on the month, several 90-minute town hall meetings, starting at 6 p.m. every Monday in March will be held at the Redford Township District Library, 25320 W. Six Mile Road in Redford. Experts who are uniquely suited to offer advice and answer questions about each topic will be present.

“Understanding and accessing healthy options is central to living a long and healthy life,” Love said. “We are covering health topics this year because I am hoping to address some of the critical health issues that plague urban communities and give people some foundational information they’ll need to achieve their health and wellness goals as well as learn and develop healthier lifestyle practices.” 

The topics of the March Six O’clock series will be:

March 4: Heart Health and Diabetes. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, and about one-third of all people with diabetes do not know they have the disease. An expert will be present to talk about warning signs, lifestyle changes and common misconceptions related to these conditions.

March 11: Women’s Health. Throughout their lives, women often face unique health challenges and concerns. An expert will be on hand to discuss concerns for every phase of a woman’s life from the menstrual cycle to menopause.

March 18: Men’s Health. An expert will be joining us to demystify the stigmas and stereotypes that are often a barrier to men seeking health care. Join us for a robust discussion on topics ranging from puberty to prostate exams.

March 25: Mindful Meditation. An estimated 75 to 90 percent of all doctor visits are for stress-related issues. Finding effective ways to reduce stress will save money and improve your overall health. Join us for an evening of relaxation exercises.