Lawmaker highlights investments in hometowns, schools, and people with disabilities
State Rep. Sharon MacDonell (D-Troy) testifies in committee on the MiABLE program on June 20, 2024, in the Anderson House Office Building in Lansing.
LANSING, Mich., July 8, 2024 — The Michigan Legislature passed the final state budget for the 2025 fiscal year ahead of the legally required July 1 deadline. Democratic leaders crafted a budget focused on strategic, targeted investments that improve the lives of people and hometowns across Michigan without raising taxes. After the vote, state Rep. Sharon MacDonell (D-Troy) issued the following statement:
“I’m proud of the strong investments this budget provides the communities I represent. We have secured $1 million for a Clawson water main infrastructure project and full funding for a new fire truck for the Troy Fire Department.
“We’ve also increased funding for our local schools, giving an average of $400 more per pupil than last year.
“As chair of the Disability Caucus, I’m proud to see investments go toward improving the lives of our citizens with disabilities. We are providing funding to law enforcement to help remove barriers for people who experience language barriers or who are deaf or hard of hearing. We are also allocating funding to promote Michigan’s Achieving a Better Life Experience, or MiABLE. This program allows people with disabilities to create savings accounts for disability-related expenses without impacting their eligibility for public benefits. Though these accounts have been available for several years in Michigan, just a small percentage of those eligible have opened them. For more information go to MiABLE’s website.”