LANSING, Mich., Aug. 23, 2024 — This week a shooting took place injuring a sleeping 7-year old boy. It is believed to be a drive-by shooting due to an interpersonal dispute. Police reported that an estimated six rounds were fired into a home.

“At 7 years old, a child should be free from violence, and should sleep soundly and safely. This is one of far too many shootings that plague our society and have injured not just children in our state, but others, too” said state Rep. Felicia Brabec (D-Pittsfield Township) Michigan Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention Caucus chair. “Violence is not the answer, firearms are not the answer. Our hearts go out to those affected by these violent acts. MFSVPC is committed to taking action and promoting change.”

In July, a 7-year-old Inkster boy was shot in the chest when a firearm went off while being handled by another, and in that same month, a 2-year-old boy from Warren was shot in the stomach with a pistol when a babysitter had hid the gun under a pillow. A 3-year-old Eastpointe boy shot himself in June; in May, a 6-year-old from Detroit shot themselves; and in April, an 8-year-old child shot himself. These three incidents took place as a consequence of unsecured guns.

“Our children deserve to be protected from gun wounds and violence. It goes without saying, but kids are falling victim to this violence,” said state Rep. Kimberly Edwards (D-Eastpointe). “It is devastating to the community, to these families and the children that they have faced such injuries and circumstances and my heart goes out to them and their loved ones. This hits home as a parent for me as well. Violence is not the answer, and safely securing firearms is required to protect the futures of Michigan kids.”