“The historic election of Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris––the first woman, first Black American, and first Asian American be elected to this office––is a massive achievement for this country. Representation matters, and we look forward to seeing not just the positive change the Biden-Harris administration will bring to our country, but the countless women and girls Vice President-Elect Harris will inspire to create change in their own communities.

“Last week, we also saw history made in the Michigan House Democratic Caucus, where we will have a 27 to 25 majority of women serving in the 101st Legislature, including the election of Rep. Donna Lasinski as Leader of the Michigan House Democrats. Women who represent a diverse array of communities across our state, who come from all walks of life and from different generations, are set to champion their districts and we cannot wait to see what they will accomplish to chart a path forward, making the future of Michigan bright for everyone.”