LANSING — State Rep. Jon Hoadley (D-Kalamazoo) responded to Gov. Rick Snyder’s 2018 State of the State address tonight by urging the administration and the Legislature to focus on improving the lives of Michigan’s hardworking families.

“Once again, I’m glad the governor shared his input and vision for Michigan,” Hoadley said. “However, over this governor’s term in office, Republicans have focused too much on tax cuts for large corporations and not enough on the people. Offering tax cut after tax cut won’t get us far, as the failure to win the business of Foxconn and Amazon showed us. We need to invest in the people and local businesses who drive our economy. Better schools, safer roads, new pipes and broadband, affordable health care and other quality of life improvements will help us attract and retain the best young talent, educate a new generation of workers and compete with other states for the best jobs of tomorrow. I look forward to working with anyone who shares these goals and is committed to making Michigan a great place to live, work and raise a family.”

Hoadley’s guest for the address was Cyekeia Lee, Director of Community Collaboration for Kalamazoo Promise, a groundbreaking program started in 2005 that provides tuition to all Kalamazoo public school graduates at any public or private Michigan institution of higher learning.