LANSING, Mich., Oct. 19, 2021 — State Rep. Cynthia A. Johnson (D-Detroit) testified today in the House Judiciary Committee in favor of House Bill 4084, which she sponsored. The bill would help protect the public health of Michiganders by holding dumpers accountable and enhancing the penalty for those who engage in illegal dumping practices.

After her testimony, Johnson urged state Rep. Graham Filler (R-DeWitt), chair of the House Judiciary Committee, to bring HB 4084 for a vote.

“Our neighborhoods are not a landfill for corporate polluters,” Johnson said. “Dumping is an urgent concern that needs to be addressed now for the safety of Detroiters and everyone in this state. Businesses have disrespected Detroiters, and we cannot allow elected officials to do the same.”

The bill would hold illegal dumpers accountable by requiring them to remove the trash and fix any damage they caused as a part of their sentence. It would also increase the penalty for dumping three cubic feet or more of garbage from a civil infraction to a misdemeanor and double the fine for dumping five cubic yards or more of garbage.