The Michigan House introduced an 11-bill package, House Bills 494959, that will guarantee personal decision-making and remove barriers to accessing reproductive health care in the state of Michigan. The Reproductive Health Act (RHA) protects individual decision-making in reproductive health based on medical advice, not political ideology. 

These bills repeal and amend outdated and unconstitutional prohibitions on reproductive health care to bring it more in line with the treatment of other forms of medical care. Additionally, the package would repeal the ban on Medicaid coverage of abortion care and replace it with affirmative coverage for Medicaid patients.

When making the complex and deeply personal decisions that determine the direction of our lives, every Michigander should be able to make the decision that’s right for them. We can’t know a person’s circumstances or the factors informing their decision-making, but what we do know is that such a decision must be left to each individual, based on the advice of the health care professionals they trust, their personal values and what they feel is best for their needs.