LANSING – State Representatives Tom Cochran (D-Mason) and Theresa Abed (D-Grand Ledge) today introduced legislation that would require state departments and local governments to give preference to Michigan-based businesses that can provide the goods and services they need over foreign companies.
“When government offices contract with Michigan-based businesses, it creates jobs by injecting money for goods and services right here in our own communities,” said Rep. Cochran. “Buying Michigan first keeps our local businesses financially healthy and our friends and neighbors working.”
Typically, most state budgets include language encouraging departments to, whenever possible, contract with Michigan-based companies to fill their needs. That language was removed from many department budgets in the budget proposal submitted by the governor to the Legislature last week. Rep. Cochran has introduced House Bill 4370 requiring local governments to buy Michigan whenever possible. Rep. Abed has introduced House Bill 4371 requiring that state departments do the same when the goods and services they need are available from a Michigan business. Both bills provide for a 30 day window for Michigan businesses to match or beat the lowest bid on state contracts and local and municipal contracts.
“Common sense tells us that when we are trying to put more Michiganders back to work that one of the first things the state should do whenever possible is sign contracts with Michigan businesses,” said Rep. Abed. “These bills would help grow the economy by keeping state dollars right here in Michigan.”