Dear Speaker Hall and Clerk Starr,

I am writing to you on behalf of my constituents in House District 47. I urge you to present the following nine bills from the 102nd Legislature to the Governor, as is the constitutional process outlined in Article IV, Section 33 of the Michigan Constitution:


  • House Bill 6058 – stabilizes the costs of health care benefits for all public sector employees, including Michigan’s teachers and first responders.
  • House Bills 4665, 4666 and 4667 – includes corrections and conservation officers in the State Police pension system.
  • House Bills 4900 and 4901 – exempts public assistance, disability and worker’s compensation from garnishment to repay debts.
  • House Bills 4177, 5817 and 5818 – allows Detroit history museums to seek a property tax millage from Wayne County voters.


Amidst a shortage of teachers, first responders, police officers and corrections officers in our state, the last thing we should do is make their cost of living more expensive and disincentivize people from remaining in or going into these desperately needed professions.

It’s these hard-working Michiganders, those living paycheck-to-paycheck, who are being exploited and losing out on more affordable health care, retirement, and the financial benefits that they deserve.

These nine bills passed both the House and the Senate and were ordered to be presented to the Governor because it was understood that they would positively impact working people’s lives.

My constituents and all Michiganders expect us to stand up for our Constitution, stand up for the people of Michigan, and stand up for workers. Please respect these hardworking Michiganders’ livelihoods by presenting these bills to Governor Whitmer.


Carrie A. Rheingans

State Representative

District 47