HAMTRAMCK — State Reps. Isaac Robinson (D-Detroit) and Karen Whitsett (D-Detroit) held a press conference on Monday, alongside the Hamtramck Drug-Free Community Coalition, to discuss the rapidly growing public health crisis of vaping among children. Legislation like Senate Bills 106 and 155 aims to confront this problem by amending the Youth Tobacco Act to prohibit the sale of vapor products and alternative nicotine products to minors.

“We need to move quickly and take action, to protect our children,” said Robinson. “This law has crafted a definition for vapor devices and companion products. So regardless of the liquid used with the device, e-liquid, marijuana, or a dangerous chemical, a minor cannot possess it. We need to move on this quickly so that Michigan will have regulatory laws on books for these devices.”

Senate Bills 106 and 155 are both up for a final vote in the House this week. If passed Michigan will join the ranks of other states that have created similar laws to regulate vaporizers and their companion products within their borders.

“As elected officials, we need to protect those who cannot protect themselves,” said Whitsett. “These products should not be marketed or provided to children. We must take action now to ensure these devices don’t lead to addiction and long-term health problems for our children in the future.”