LANSING — Tonight, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer gave her first State of the State address, outlining her vision for the state and calling for bipartisan collaboration to address the issues that matter most to Michigan’s working families. In response, state Rep. Isaac Robinson (D-Detroit), who also had the honor of escorting members of the Michigan Supreme Court into the joint session, issued the following statement:

“In many ways, Gov. Whitmer’s speech is evidence of what happens when elected officials truly speak as the voice of the people they serve. To be effective, we have to listen to the people; it is clear Gov. Whitmer has, and will continue, to do that. One of the reasons I brought Mr. Sheik with me as my guest this evening is he is a dedicated humanitarian and business leader who believes in giving back to our community. I also believe it is crucial for community leaders and citizens to have input in the governing process, and I was happy to hear Gov. Whitmer talk about the importance of supporting disadvantaged businesses. Tonight was about solutions to those challenges and concerns about our water and our schools that I have heard from the people in my district, and I am excited to get to work and deliver the relief and assistance that is long overdue to Michigan’s working families.”

Rep. Robinson was joined by Abdallah Sheik, CEO of Captain Jay’s Fish and Chicken.
