LANSING, Mich., June 15, 2022 – State Rep. Julie M. Rogers’ (D-Kalamazoo) bill, House Bill 5560, was passed unanimously by the Michigan House of Representatives today. The bill clarifies that law enforcement and prosecutors may engage in survivor-centered coordinated outreach by providing a domestic or sexual violence service provider agency with certain information to facilitate contact with a victim for the purpose of offering supportive services. 

“While this sort of outreach has proven successful in many Michigan communities across the state, it was brought to my attention that, in some circumstances, law enforcement and prosecutors hesitate to provide this outreach because the law does not explicitly state that they can,” Rogers said. “As such, House Bill 5560 will help ensure that survivors are connected with resources, while still protecting their privacy. It is so important that they feel supported as they navigate these incredibly distressing situations.”

House Bill 5560 is part of a bipartisan package aimed at protecting victims’ rights. The legislation will now be sent to the Michigan Senate for additional consideration. 

“This bill enhances coordination between service providers and law enforcement to connect survivors with the resources they need on their healing journey,” said Debi Cain, executive director of the Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board. “We are grateful to our partners in the Michigan Legislature and applaud these efforts to further ensure survivors’ access to critical domestic violence and sexual assault services throughout Michigan.”

