LANSING — State Rep. Bettie Cook Scott (D-Detroit) is preparing to introduce legislation to make sex education more inclusive in the state of Michigan. The legislation would amend the state’s law on sex education and instruction to promote an understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and intersex individuals.

“Every individual, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, should be equipped with correct information and tools to protect their health and make good choices when they engage in intimate encounters,” Rep. Scott said. “Teenage years, especially, are a time when many young people are struggling to understand themselves and each other. That’s why it’s critically important that they are given scientifically accurate and inclusive information that will help them to appreciate and accept themselves, their friends and their family members at a time in life that is challenging and full of growth.”

National School Climate Survey from the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network in 2013 found that less than five percent of LGBT students were in health classes that took a positive approach to teaching LGBT-related topics. Rep. Scott hopes that by introducing legislation to make sex education more inclusive, students will be better able to learn about, discuss and appreciate their differences. She is expecting to introduce the legislation early 2018.
