Saving Seniors Money 

Public Act 4, formerly House Bill 4001, provided $1 billion in tax relief for workers and retirees. This is going to save around half a million senior households an average of $1,000 a year. With many seniors living on a fixed income, this will provide real breathing room. Seniors will once again be able to enjoy their retirement with dignity. Retirement savings are a lifeline for many seniors. It was wrong to place this burdensome tax on seniors in the first place, and it was wrong that it took so long for it to be repealed. We should have never penalized our seniors after they were promised they wouldn’t pay taxes on their IRAs, pensions and annuities. I’m happy that I was able to have a part in rectifying this error.

Drug Immunity

We are keeping drug companies accountable to you by repealing Michigan’s law that granted a blanket immunity to drug manufacturers and sellers. This was the only law of its kind in the nation. Most prescription drugs are safe when used as directed, but when medication causes undue harm, you deserve recourse that residents of every other state can access.  This was unfair to Michiganders’ and our seniors especially. That is why I’m proud that I was able to support legislation that ended this loophole in Michigan law. 

Prescription Drug Affordability Board Legislation

House Democrats are committed to lowering prices for our seniors. This is why House Democrats are working to lower the costs of prescription drugs by creating a Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Legislation has been introduced to authorize the creation of an independent, nonpartisan board to evaluate prescription drug costs and related impact on Michiganders and establish upper payment limits on prescription drugs sold in the state. No one should have to choose between getting their prescription drugs and putting food on the table, especially our seniors who are living on fixed incomes. It’s time that we put people before profits and ensure that everyone is able to afford their lifesaving medication.

Guardianship Reform 

As our society ages, protecting and caring for our more vulnerable seniors and disabled citizens becomes increasingly vital. Guardians and conservators play a crucial role in safeguarding these individuals’ rights and well-being. This responsibility goes beyond mere legal oversight. It represents a commitment to ensuring the dignity, autonomy and security for many senior citizens and people with disabilities.